As we said in our introduction, innkeepers had a shady reputation in antiquity. During the Roman Empire, most travelers actually stayed in guest rooms set aside in private homes.
Inns offered spartan accommodation in communal sleeping rooms, with space outside to tie up animals. Innkeepers often colluded with robbers and supplied guests with prostitutes. (Given their bad character, some experts say the Biblical Mary and Joseph likely were seeking shelter in a guest room, not an inn.)
Because of such skullduggery, Roman law is filled with punishments for these types of offenses.
Unfortunately for the honest innkeepers, the laws were written with the assumption the innkeeper was guilty.

During medieval times, monks became de facto innkeepers, hosting travelers trekking long distances on religious pilgrimages.
In late-medieval England, innkeepers were members of the upper class and influential citizens. Inns here typically offered communal sleeping, although private rooms started to become more common.
In the U.S., people first began traveling for business or pleasure in the 1700s, causing stagecoach inns to pop up. These were very modest accommodations; sometimes people had to sleep in the same bed with a stranger.
Of course today, a guest can choose between a charming bed and breakfast, a large hotel chain, a budget motel and dozens of other innkeeping options. Thankfully, the innkeeper reputation has improved somewhat.
During the old kingdom in ancient Egypt (3000 B.C.E.), there were no official judges, but cases were tried before priests and scribes.
But by the middle kingdom (around 1500 B.C.E.), there were official judges, and a judgeship was typically passed down from father to son.
The cases a judge might oversee were the same as today: murder, robbery, property ownership and so on. People often tried to bribe the judges or sway their opinion through flattery in order to avoid harsh sentences.

And judges were often dishonest or abused power when it served their needs, namely when society wasn't running so smoothly.
But if a judge was caught in a misdeed, the punishment could be severe. During one era in Egypt, convicted judges had their noses cut off.
In the Middle Ages, dishonesty continued to plague the judiciary. Judges often were paid off by litigants, even if the judges were members of the clergy.
Today's judges are either appointed officials or elected by the people. Although generally only a bachelor's degree and some related experience is required to be a judge, most judges are lawyers.
But the job market for judges is rather flat, because every new judgeship position in the U.S. must be authorized and approved by the state or federal legislature. And they still get accused of dishonesty sometimes.
Call them seers, astrologers, psychics, mediums or clairvoyants. Whatever term you use for people who work to discern the future, know that this occupation has been around since the dawn of recorded history.
In the ancient world, psychics were often members of the royal court or regularly consulted by the rulers before making decisions both large and small — what crops to plant, which officials to hire, which battles to wage.
But while royal psychics were much-heralded, their position was also risky. If they recommended a battle that the empire subsequently lost, for example, they might be fired, jailed or even killed.

Since the work of a psychic involved communicating with an entity in another world, the profession was condemned by the monotheistic religions that later emerged: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Texts that are central to these religions viewed psychics as evil, since only God is supposed to know the future. In 785, the Catholic Church outlawed the use of sorcerers in settling disputes.
Today there are signs advertising psychic readings in innumerable towns around the globe.
Some people view such psychics simply as entertainers with no real power, while others see them as charlatans taking money from gullible people. Still others take them seriously.
Studies on whether psychic powers exist are inconclusive. Yet some professional psychics have been used by police departments and other crime-solving groups with apparent success.
A Rudyard Kipling short story "On the City Wall" gets the credit for calling prostitution the world's oldest profession. If it's not really the oldest occupation, it's pretty close to it.
Prostitution involves having sexual intercourse with someone in exchange for some kind of payment (money, food, clothing), and it's been around for millennia.
In ancient times, prostitution was often performed within a sacred context, as part of a religious ceremony or for a sacred purpose.
In Sumerian and Babylonian cultures (2400 B.C.E. and beyond) having sex with a temple prostitute was one way to gain favor from a fertility god.

In ancient Rome, prostitution was not part of religion. Slaves were often forced to work as prostitutes, as were orphaned children.
In ancient Greece, male prostitutes were common, and were mainly adolescent boys. Slave boys typically worked in Athens' male brothels.
In 2012, there were roughly 42 million prostitutes in the world, three-quarters of them between the ages of 13 and 25, and 80 percent female.
Now, as in ancient times, most prostitutes work in this field against their will, and human trafficking is a huge human rights issue.