The board of the International Monetary Fund moved quickly to back Christine Lagarde after her conviction by a French court this week on charges of neglecting her ministerial duties.
一个法国法庭本周判定国际货币基金组织(IMF)总裁克里斯蒂娜.拉加德(Christine Lagarde)在担任法国财长期间玩忽职守之后,IMF董事会第一时间表示了对拉加德的支持。
But despite that vote of “full confidence”, the legal travails of the fund’s managing director still cast an unwelcome shadow and could undermine the institution’s authority and work in controversial areas, analysts said.
“There is a considerable cost which I don’t see an obvious way around,” says Peter Doyle, a former IMF economist. “Every time the IMF now issues a ruling [the conviction] is going to be part of the background.” Noting that Eurosceptic critics in the UK could seize on the issue, he added: “ Imagine what happens next time Madame Lagarde has something to say about the Brexit process?”
“这样做有相当大的代价,我看不出有什么变通的办法,”IMF前经济学家彼得.多伊尔(Peter Doyle)说,“IMF现在每次做出一个裁决,(这项定罪)都将是背景的一部分。”在提到英国的欧洲怀疑论者可能抓住这件事做文章时,他补充道:“想象一下拉加德下次对英国退欧进程发表评论时会发生什么?”
The case predates Ms Lagarde’s time at the IMF and she has consistently denied any wrongdoing. The former French finance minister and the IMF have also sought to portray the ruling as political, pointing to backing she received from the government in Paris soon after Monday’s ruling, as well as support from the US and elsewhere.
Despite finding her negligent for declining in 2008 to appeal a 403m arbitration ruling and for authorising a controversial payment to the flamboyant businessman Bernard Tapie, the court decided not to impose any sentence and ruled the conviction would not go on Ms Lagarde’s record.
法庭认定她玩忽职守,因为她在2008年拒绝对一项涉及4.03亿欧元的仲裁裁决提出上诉——使得行为张扬的商人贝尔纳.塔皮(Bernard Tapie)获得了这笔有争议的赔偿——但法庭决定不施加任何刑期,该判决也不会留下犯罪记录。
She has made clear her eagerness to move on after five years of legal manoeuvres. “I am very happy to not appeal this decision and to focus all my attention, all my time, all my efforts, all my energy and enthusiasm to my mission as head of the IMF,” she said.
One particular task now confronting her is managing her relationship with the US, the fund’s biggest shareholder. Ms Lagarde studiously avoided open criticism of Donald Trump during his successful presidential campaign. But she also spoke out against the kind of protectionist trade policies he put at the centre of his White House bid.
处理与该机构最大股东美国的关系是她现在面临的其中一项任务。在唐纳德.特朗普(Donald Trump)竞选总统期间,拉加德刻意避免对其公开批评。但她也公开表示反对特朗普在竞选中一直强调的那类保护主义贸易政策。
Mr Trump won the election by railing against a “globalist” system, institutions such as the IMF and the pro-trade and economic liberalisation agenda they have advocated for more than 70 years. Since the election, John Bolton, a candidate for a senior role in the administration, has proposed major reforms of the IMF and World Bank, while others continue to talk about a systemic shake-up.
特朗普赢得大选靠的是痛斥国际货币基金组织等机构,以及这些组织倡导了70多年的支持贸易和经济自由化的议程。自当选以来,特朗普政府高级职位候选人约翰.博尔顿(John Bolton)已提出对IMF和世界银行(World Bank)进行重大改革,而其他人还在谈论系统性整改。
“A pseudo-conviction for negligence is probably the least of the worries for the incoming Trump administration,” said Edwin Truman, a former senior official at the US Treasury and Federal Reserve. “The broader question is how the Trump administration will view these types of institutions and how they advance US interests.”
曾在美国财政部和美联储(Fed)担任高级官员的埃德温.杜鲁门(Edwin Truman)表示:“对玩忽职守的貌似判决很可能是即将上台的特朗普政府最不担心的地方。更为整体的问题是特朗普政府将如何看待这类机构,以及它们将如何促进美国利益。”
Others argue that Ms Lagarde’s treatment by the IMF will reinforce concerns among populist critics about the perceived impunity of political elites.
“It will play to this perception out there and this growing lack of confidence in institutions and this idea that everyone at the top just gets off and the system is rigged,” said Tom Bernes, a former Canadian representative at the IMF now at the Centre for International Governance Innovation. “That is an unfortunate corrosive effect.”
加拿大前IMF代表,现就职于加拿大国际治理创新中心(Centre for International Governance Innovation)的汤姆.伯恩斯(Tom Bernes)表示:“此事将助长这种观念,令人对机构越来越缺乏信心,认为所有高层领导都可免受处罚,整个体制被操纵了。那是个不幸的腐蚀效果。”