Who wouldn't want to stay in the Scottish Lowlands? In a quaint village near a forest? Where the Gulf Stream keeps the climate pleasant, whisky is sipped, and salmon is nibbled?
An upstairs studio let in Wigtown, you can live this Scottish Dream for just £28 a night. Sounds too good to be true.
And it is, in a way. Guests, while afforded the charm and tranquility of rural Scottish life for the same price as half a tank of petrol, are required to play bookkeeper. Yes, those who stay are tasked with running the bookshop downstairs.
This won't be for everyone – but for those willing to recommend Harry Potter to visiting kids and ring through a few sales, a remarkably low-cost holiday is possible.
Adrian Turner, director of the Wigtown book festival, said of the idea: “I wouldn’t call it a working holiday. It’s a particular kind of holiday [for people] who don’t feel that running a bookshop is work. "It’s not about cheap labour – it’s about offering people an experience … It’s one of those great fantasies.”
威格顿图书节的总策划,Adrian Turner, 对于这个举措表示,对于那些愿意帮忙管理书店的人来说,这不算是一种假期工作,也不是充当廉价劳动力,他们收获的是一种经历,而且是生平美好经历中最获益匪浅的。
Apparently, locals are inclined to invite guests round to dinner, too. Which helps. As do the pubs about the place, Galloway Forest Park, the nearby coast, and golf – no, nothing to do with Donald Trump.
当地人还喜欢邀请游客共进晚餐。这也会带动当地酒吧,Galloway 森林公园,附近海滩还有高尔夫等产业。当然这样的经营理念不是受特朗普的影响。

Unlike its Welsh equivalent, Wigtown's status was planned – the proliferation of bookshops came following the closure of its creamery and distillery, which were by far the main employers for locals.Books have helped regenerate Wigtown. It's worth mentioning that a new distillery called Bladnoch has opened, though. Everything's fine.
The let first came to the limelight back in 2015. It was noticed by the Guardian, naturally. And American couple Lee and Janet Miller, from Massachusetts, who once ran a bookstore, spotted the listing, went, and blogged about the experience.“Today reminded both of us of why we so loved being booksellers. It is of course dealing with books, which we love," they wrote.“But it is also the social interaction. As a bookseller, you are available to the world, and people come by for business and also just to connect."