Anbang Insurance Group, the acquisitive Chinese conglomerate that owns New York’s Waldorf Astoria hotel, has suffered a credit downgrade, with a local rating agency warning that its life insurance unit’s “wealth creation ability has weakened”.
收购意识较强、旗下拥有纽约华尔道夫酒店(Waldorf Astoria hotel)的中国企业安邦保险集团(Anbang Insurance Group)遭遇信用评级下调。中国的一家评级机构警告,其寿险部门“财富创造能力减弱”。
The downgrade of Anbang Life Insurance is the latest setback for the once high-flying group, whose chairman and founder, Wu Xiaohui, disappeared in June and is presumed to be in government detention.
安邦人寿(Anbang Life Insurance)评级下调是这家曾经风光的集团遭遇的最新挫折,该集团的董事长和创始人吴小晖在6月份失联,据信是被政府带走。
At the height of his powers, Mr Wu met Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s adviser and son-in-law, to discuss the purchase of a Manhattan office tower owned by Mr Kushner’s family.
在他最得志的时期,吴小晖曾会晤唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)的顾问和女婿贾里德?库什纳(Jared Kushner),洽谈购买库什纳家族拥有的一栋曼哈顿办公大楼的事宜。
On Thursday, Dagong Global, a Chinese rating agency, downgraded Anbang Life Insurance from triple A to double A plus, saying that “income has fallen substantially [and] the availability of debt financing is reduced”.
周四,中国评级机构——大公国际资信评估有限公司(Dagong Global Credit Rating)将安邦人寿的信用评级从AAA下调至AA+,称“经常性收入大幅下降,债务融资渠道的可获性降低”。
In an apparent reference to Mr Wu’s detention, Dagong said “external support has weakened due to risk incidents involving the controlling shareholder”.
Anbang Life posted a net loss in the first half of 2017, Dagong said, without disclosing specific figures.
In May, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission accused Anbang Life of “wreaking havoc” on the insurance market through aggressive pricing of short-term investment products. The agency banned Anbang Life from selling new products for three months.
An industry-wide crackdown on so-called “universal insurance” caused premiums from such products to drop more than half in the first half of this year, according to CIRC data. At Anbang, such premiums fell 98 per cent.
Universal insurance products, which bear little resemblance to protection-style policies, are popular with investors because of their short maturities and high yields. But analysts warn of risks from the maturity mismatch between insurers’ short-term liabilities to their investors and their investments in illiquid assets such as real estate and private equity.
In an illustration of the risks, Foresea Life Insurance, which also suffered a CIRC ban on new product sales, in May warned of defaults and social unrest if the ban was not lifted. Foresea’s urgent plea to CIRC highlighted the extent to which issuers of universal life policies rely on sales of new products to meet payouts on maturing ones.
表明这些风险的一个事例是,同样被保监会禁止销售新产品的前海人寿(Foresea Life Insurance)在5月警告称,如果不解除禁令,就可能导致违约和社会不安定。前海人寿向保监会发出的紧急呼吁,突显万能险保单的发行人在多大程度上依靠销售新产品来履行到期产品的兑付义务。
In July, China Bond Rating, another local agency, downgraded Foresea from double A minus to A plus.
7月,另一家本土评级机构中债资信评估公司(China Credit Rating)将前海人寿的评级从AA-下调至A+。
Chinese credit rating agencies tend to give higher ratings to the same companies than western counterparts. Investors do, however, discount the domestic ratings — in general, issuers rated below double A minus cannot sell bonds.

The ratings gap between Chinese and foreign agencies is due in part to the greater emphasis that local agencies place on the likelihood of government bailouts.
Analysts have said they believed the Chinese government would not allow Anbang to collapse, because that could cause panic among its millions of policyholders, posing risks to the financial system.
Last month, banking regulators concerned about “systemic risk” ordered lenders to check their exposures to Anbang and other private conglomerates that have engaged in large, debt-financed foreign acquisitions.
Anbang Life has Rmb24bn ($3.6bn) in bonds outstanding, of which about a third were sold offshore to foreign investors. Prices were little changed on Thursday.
An Anbang spokesman declined to comment.