British business schools make up ground on their French counterparts in the revamped Financial Times ranking of masters in management degrees.
While Switzerland’s University of St Gallen retains the top spot, French and British business schools, with 24 and 18 programmes respectively, are the backbone of the 2017 FT ranking of 95 programmes around the world. More than half of UK schools move up the ranking, compared with one in France. A third of British schools rise five places, in contrast to the two-thirds of French schools that drop five or more places.
在2017年FT对全球95个管理学硕士项目的排行中,虽然瑞士圣加仑大学(University of St Gallen)继续蝉联冠军,但法国和英国商学院分别以24个和18个项目入围成为中坚力量。超过一半的英国商学院排名上升,而只有一家法国商学院排名上升。三分之一的英国商学院排名上升5位,相比之下,三分之二的法国商学院排名下降5位或更多。
In the most significant change in methodology since this ranking was first published in 2005, the FT now collects information about alumni’s first jobs after graduation. These data are used in conjunction with information about their current jobs, three years later. This allows the FT to calculate their salary increase since graduation — a new ranking criterion — as well as their career progress (see methodology).
British schools outperform the French on both new criteria. Warwick Business School, the top UK school for career progress, is second overall for the criterion, 30 places above the first French school, HEC Paris. Alumni from UK schools also see a higher increase between their first salary after graduation and now, at 62 per cent versus 45 per cent. However, UK school alumni still have a lower salary on average than their counterparts who studied in France, at $55,000 versus $64,000.
在这两个新指标方面,英国商学院的表现都优于法国商学院。在职业发展方面表现最好的英国商学院——华威商学院(Warwick Business School)在这一指标的总体排名中位居第二,高于法国在这方面表现最好的巴黎高等商学院(HEC Paris) 30个名次。在毕业后首份工作薪资与当下薪资比较方面,英国商学院校友的薪资增幅更大,为62%,法国商学院校友的薪资增幅为45%。然而,英国商学院校友的平均薪资仍低于与法国商学院校友,分别为5.5万美元和6.4万美元。
The University of St Gallen remains top overall, the seventh consecutive year that the Swiss school’s MA in Strategy and International Management has headed the ranking. HEC Paris stays in second place, a position it has held since 2014, while Spain’s IE Business School jumps four places to third.
圣加伦大学在总排名上仍居榜首,这是这家瑞士商学院的战略及国际管理硕士项目连续第七年夺冠。巴黎高等商学院连续第四年屈居亚军,西班牙IE商学院(IE Business School)的排名上升四位,至第三。
St Gallen outperforms other ranked schools thanks in part to strong scores for international criteria. More than 90 per cent of students and 80 per cent of faculty are from abroad. The school is also ranked second for both the international mobility of its students and their international exposure during the programme.
“I?.?.?.?learnt to interact with people from other cultures and other places in society,” noted one Swedish graduate.
Alumni from the Swiss school also have the third-highest salary, at $114,449, adjusted for purchasing power parity, behind those from the Indian Institute of Management at Ahmedabad, on $116,476, and IIM Bangalore, on $116,094. St Gallen is also top for the quality of its careers service.
圣加伦大学校友的薪资排名第三,为114449美元(按购买力平价调整后),排在艾哈迈达巴德的印度管理学院(Indian Institute of Management)和印度管理学院班加罗尔分校(IIM Bangalore)之后,这两所商学院校友的平均薪资分别为116476美元和116094美元。圣加伦大学还在职业服务质量方面排名第一。
The ranking of 95 schools, up from 90 last year, includes nine institutions, from seven countries, that were ranked for the first time. Frankfurt School of Finance and Management in 41st place is the year’s highest new entrant. The German school has one of the most gender-balanced programmes, with women accounting for 49 per cent of students.
此次涵盖95个项目(去年为90个)的排行榜中,来自7个国家的9所院校为首次进入榜单。排名第41位的法兰克福金融管理学院(Frankfurt School of Finance & Management)是今年排名最高的新入榜者。这家德国学院拥有性别比例最平衡的项目之一,女性占学员总数的49%。
The Cems masters in management, the international programme provided through a network of 30 business schools, is ninth, down five places from 2015, when it was last ranked.

Lee Kong Chian School of Business at the University of Singapore, in 76th place overall, is the first Singaporean business school to enter this ranking, which includes seven Asian institutions. Its alumni are by far the most internationally mobile among this group. They are ranked 25th for mobility, 57 places ahead of the next most mobile alumni, those from the National Sun Yat-Sen University in Taiwan.
总排名76位的新加坡管理大学(Singapore Management University)李光前商学院(Lee Kong Chian School of Business)是首家进入这一排行榜的新加坡商学院。今年共7家亚洲商学院上榜。李光前商学院校友在亚洲商学院中最具国际流动性。他们在流动性指标方面排名第25,比在亚洲商学院中流动性排第二的台湾国立中山大学(National Sun Yat-Sen University)高57位。
The joint programme delivered by IQS of Spain, Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan and the University of San Francisco saw the biggest rise. Its Master in Global Entrepreneurship Management jumps 34 places to 43rd, making up for a drop of 19 places the previous year. The only programme to be delivered on three continents, it is ranked top for international course experience.
由西班牙IQS商学院、台湾辅仁大学(Fu Jen Catholic University)和旧金山大学(University of San Francisco)三家合办的管理学硕士项目排名升幅最大。其全球创业管理硕士项目的排名上升34位,至第43位,逆转了去年下滑19名的势头。这是唯一一个在三大洲授课的项目,其在国际课程体验方面排名第一。