Carmelo anthony: Damn Bro! I hate when I have so much to say, but I can't put any of it into words. The times I have the most to say are the times that I can't talk.
I'm screaming inside but cant be heard, YOU don't know how hard it is to try to pretend to smile when I have these clouds of emotions.
YOU just called me and told me you were coming to the game Friday and that you were proud of me and "regardless of anything, stay true to myself and STAYME 7O".
We were just laughing about how hard YOU was working GIGI and her teammates and I told YOU they need a day off.
This pain is almost unbearable Champ! Why you bro? Why GIGI? Why leave Vanessa with this Sadness and Pain. WHY? This will never make sense to me.
I know I'm not suppose to question GODS Will. I know GOD doesn't make mistakes. It just seems like It always rains the hardest on those who deserve the sun.
There are moments in life when there's simply NO words to describe the pain within. This is one of them. YOU will continue to be Loved. YOU will be missed. YOU will forever be remembered.
YOUR legacy will live on FOREVER. OUR FRIENDSHIP Will never be forgotten.
I know YOU will be near. Even if I don't see YOU. PEACE KING!!! "There Are No Goodbyes. Where ever You'll be. You'll be in Our Hearts". All Praise Due.

I don't know if I'll ever be able to fully process it. My parents have always said everything happens for a reason and its in God's plan. But this one is different.
Broken fingers, torn Achilles, it didn't matter. You overcame it all!! You were DIFFERENT!
Sometimes we competed so hard against each other that you could never tell how I was always watching YOU!!
I needed to see how much better I needed to get and how much harder I needed to work!
The love you had for the game was nowhere near the love you had for YOUR girls!! All 5 of them!!
And Gigi, who we had already prearranged her marriage with lil Chris, is as beautiful and feisty as she could ever be!!!
As I've watched you in retirement, as happy as you've ever been, I've sat back and prayed and hoped that my baby girl will look at me the way Gigi looks at you!!!
I Love You and will miss you with all my heart my brother!!! All my love to Vanessa and all the families during this time.