Tony Brooker, meanwhile, had written a program system called FLOATCODE, which did the work of interpreting floating-point arithmetic,
rather as Alan had envisaged in 1945, but had never bothered to do for Manchester.
It was based on similar work he had done at Cambridge on the EDSAC.
And Alick Glennie went further in 1952 with something called AUTOCODE which was, in effect, the first working high-level computer language in the world.
Christopher Strachey was enthusiastic about it-AUTOCODE was in line with the ideas he had written about in 1951, of translating mathematical formulae into machine instructions.
But Alan took little interest. Alick Glennie talked to him about it, but found that he was bored by mere translation,
something that he had described as obvious in 1947 and had never chosen to take any further himself.
He would have been interested in something that would actually do the algebra, rather than translate it.