Popular delivery messages shared
The 12 most popular words and phrases written on takeout notes in 2020 by users of Ele.me, an online food-ordering platform, were published by Xinhua News Agency on Dec 31. Based on data provided by Ele.me, the 12 most popular messages were "blessing", "contactless delivery", "the white angel", "hard work", "happy reopening of school", "cheer", "no need for tableware", "want to see you", "one more spoon of rice", "store up", "light" and "next Spring".
In addition to new words like "contactless delivery" in the takeout notes, the frequency of words like "cheer up" and "want to see you" was significantly higher in 2020 than in 2019.
Moreover, "blessing" was the most popular word in takeout notes during the first month of 2020, with more than 80 percent of notes expressing users' solidarity with Wuhan.
More than 60,000 takeout orders from Ele.me were sent to frontline workers in Wuhan in one week in January 2020.