Why do mosquitoes prefer biting some people to others?
Experts estimate that around 85% of the reason that mosquitoes prefer you is genetic.
Mosquitoes will especially come after you, if you have the perfect combination of genetics and scent.
There’s also stuff on your skin that attracts them. You’ll probably suffer more bites, if you happen to produce more lactic acid, which comes from your sweat glands.
Mosquitoes who carry malaria are most attracted to sweat that had been sitting on skin for a day or two, rather than fresh sweat. They’ll also prefer you if you have more of these bacteria living on your skin.
People who produce more carbon dioxide when they exhale are also more likely to get bit. A mosquito can smell this, so it’ll go after them. Larger people and pregnant women suffer most for this.
Another interesting group that happens to get bit more often is beer-drinkers. This might be related to carbon dioxide production as well. People tend to breathe harder after drinking a beer.