你会在哪个地铁站遇见张曼玉Yesterday on the way to the airport in Guangzhou, people were talking about the newly seen news, which said that Maggie Cheung was explicit about her settleing down in Beiji -
为什么肤色白皙的女子受到偏爱?Gentlemen do not just prefer blondes, but lighter-skinned women in general, a study has suggested.Scientists looking into attractiveness in men and women suggest that me -
使你的网站在周末拥有更多流量的七种简易方法Web traffic for most websites drop during the weekend because less people are using the internet to look for information or checking their favorite websites -
时尚双语:网民年轻化 上网娱乐化
网民年轻化 上网娱乐化Most of the country's Internetusers go online to chat or seek entertainment rather than look for jobs or conduct business.According to a report released by China InternetNetwork -
《断背山》男主角希斯•莱杰身亡Heath Ledger was found dead Tuesday at a downtown Manhattan apartment, naked in bed with sleeping pills nearby. The Australian-born actor was 28. The reason was not2008-03-19 编辑:echo 标签:
整容调查——茱丽性感嘴唇最受青睐Eyes like Katie Holmes, the sultry pout of Angelina Jolie and a body like Jessica Biel make the perfect woman -- at least in the opinion of plastic surgery patients in2008-03-19 编辑:echo 标签:
20几岁怎样抗肌肤老化Jessica’s asking about aging: It seems to me that the best way to keep my skin looking great and wrinkle-free would be to prevent as much aging as possible, as opposed to trying2008-03-19 编辑:echo 标签: 双语阅读
泰国:足不出户也可尝遍各地美食Food lovers in Thailand will soon be able to feast on their favourite flavours from around the country at their local post office when Thailand Post launches a new "yum -
时尚双语:“电子菜单”进餐馆 节约成本刺激消费
“电子菜单”进餐馆 节约成本刺激消费Restaurants in Europe, the United States and Japan are testing technology to let diners order their food direct from a screen at their table instead of depending on -
时尚双语:穿上新型人字拖 胖腿烦恼去无踪!The flip-flops t
穿上新型人字拖 胖腿烦恼去无踪!The flip-flops that give you shapely legsThousands of shoppers are on the waiting lists for a pair of FitFlopsIf you're not already pounding the streets with a pair of2008-03-19 编辑:echo 标签: 海贼王
时尚双语:英国女性恋上化妆品British womens love aff
英国女性恋上化妆品British womens love affair with cosmeticsBritish women spend the most money on cosmetics, according to a research by Mintel.When it comes on spending money on make-up, it seems that -
时尚双语:永葆青春用哪招?整容手术成首选Cosmetic surgery helps
永葆青春用哪招?整容手术成首选Cosmetic surgery helps make 60s new middle age?A woman is undergoing a cosmetic surgery.Cosmetic surgeryis altering not just how people look but how they feel by changin2008-03-19 编辑:echo 标签: 趣味
孕妇也能跳芭蕾Far from being heavy, lumbering and clumsy, pregnant women are often fascinating, beautiful andserene, according to the artistic director of one British ballet company.And to prove it, -
时尚双语:打造“生活健身馆” 让身体动起来
打造“生活健身馆” 让身体动起来Fifty years ago, most people's daily levels of activity were equivalent to walking three to five miles a day; today, the average person fails to cover that distance in2008-03-17 编辑:echo 标签:
弹性工作制有益于身体健康A flexible work life such as telecommuting, is good for your health, researchers said.They found that if people have the ability to work from home and to compress work weeks,2008-03-17 编辑:echo 标签: 日语一级
根据奢侈品咨询公司财富品质的一项报告指出,在中国奢侈品销售渠道中,假货的 -
超级计算机之争 中国力压美国
“美国制造艾级计算机的计划出现延误,因此,我们进一步 - 3
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