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6月2日SAT亚洲作文题:Should people respect and tolerate about others' opinion,or should they take stands against opinion that they think are wrong? -
2012年12月1日亚洲区SAT填空的部分单词,考生们快快收藏,更欢迎大家补充交流哦! -
I do not feel terrible about my mistakes, though I grieve the pain they have sometimes caused others. Our lives are “experiments with truth,” and in an experiment negative results are at least as i... -
Nowadays nothing is private: our culture has become too confessional and self-expressive. People think that to hide one’s thoughts or feelings is to pretend not to have those thoughts or feelings. -
If we are dissatisfied with our circumstances, we think about changing them. But the most important and effective changes — in our attitude — hardly occur to us.