Everything a public figure or celebrity says or does is likely to turn up on an internet site or television shows. The great appeal of these sites and shows is that they help us learn as much as possible about public figures. The more we know political candidates, for example, the more informed we are as voters. Much of the information, however, is irrelevant and actually prevents us from focusing on the issue.
Assignment: Does having too much information about public figures distract us from the important issues?
step1 key words of the assignment:much information--important issues
step2 definition of the key words:
much information即为公众人物或名人的各种消息
important issues 根据SAT话题分类可以有挑战权威、创新、诚实、坚持自我、奉献他人等等
step3 answer the question in your own way and use examples
option 1.关注很多的信息不会使得我们忘记important issues。这些information本身就体现了important issues,我们关注这些information就会注意到对于社会真正重要的问题。所以不会distract us from important issues.
我们可以根据public figures从事的领域进行分类(以下是范例,例子有很多)
分类-名人-much information-important issues
政治-Frederick Douglass-从小努力学习读书写字、不畏权威支持民主-体现坚持不懈、不畏权威的重要性
政治-Joy Chen(陈愉)-31岁就当了洛杉矶副市长的华裔女性,从事过地产、政治、猎头等工作,还是畅销书作家,参加访谈节目 -通过努力改变自己的处境、找到自己的特长、发挥优势,积极面对生活各种低谷等
体育-Lance Armstrong-兴奋剂丑闻-诚信做人、公平竞争的重要性,体育比赛的精神所在
娱乐 -Susan Boyle from British Got Talent-47岁其貌不扬的圣斗士追寻自己的音乐梦想、相信自己不顾众人眼光参加比赛出名获奖-社会开放大家都有机会,要相信自己敢于表现自己
经济-J.P. Morgan-1.有过失败的生意经验(如London Subways)2.率先把亏损的公司通过合并转化成赚钱的公司,实现盈利(如合并Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston Electric Company 形成通用电器)
著名残疾人-Nick Vujicic-世界巡回做演讲,告诉别人他从自卑中走出来,乐观的生活,尝试各种运动和活动-客观条件不太理想我们也能够活得很阳光
Option 2: 关注很多的信息会使得我们忘记important issues。也就是说那些信息根本就是trivial chores一点意义都没有,我们关注public figures的那些trivial chores使得我们没有意识到重要问题。
2.1 The Great Gatsby的扮演者李敖纳多经常被曝增肥阿开游艇美女party阿, 布兰妮闪婚、taylor swift的各种love affairs、演big bang theory里面sheldon的演员其实是gay, 但是演员和歌手最重要是他的作品和他们的品质。我们都去关注他们的这些八卦没有多关注、去欣赏他们的作品,去学习他们的优秀品质。(只要有点八卦精神,这个话题还是信手拈来很好写的)
2.2 facebook,微博微信,TV广泛使用,报道很多明星的detail,人们花很多时间去研究这些令人惊讶但是对自己人生没有任何营养的消息。为什么现代社会达芬奇、亚里士多德这样的全才很少,就是因为大家读书和思考的时间变少了。
Option 3:中立观点。(2010.10亚洲考卷有学生写中立观点得过满分的,但是操作难度大,请谨慎使用)
Topic Sentence: The Wide media coverage about public figures does not necessarily distract people’s attention from important issues, because it depends on what kind of information the media involves in its broadcast.
Body Para 1:In most circumstances, the reports of the celebrities inspire the general public to be dauntless and confident. (形容词可以根据选用的例子不同换一下)
Body Para 2:In some cases when excessive trivial chores of celebrities are propagated, people may waste invaluable time on the eye-catching but insignificant reports, ignoring the issues that really matter in their life.