静谧的深夜,透着月的光华,晚归的路人,是否在此刻沉醉?月亮因为古老的神话而异常美丽,因为我们对她有太多的未知而格外神秘;相信一想到moonlight,几许浪漫、几许温馨就会自然在你心头涌动吧。今天,我们要说的就是moonlight。不过,相信大家都知道作为名词的moonlight就是“月光”,但是你是否知道moonlight作为动词的意思呢? 怎么样被难住了吧,先来和Steven看看下面的句子:
These workers moonlight to live on a higher plane.
She moonlights as a waitress to pay her tuition.
moonlight, 在月光底下进行的事情,望文生义,也就是兼职(v)了。衍生出来,moonlighting 意为兼职(n.),moonlighter是兼职者的意思。Moonlighter是辛苦的,moonlighting也不是人人都吃得消的哦。
最后请大家欣赏Vanessa Williams的《Moonlight over Paris》
Moonlight Over Paris
You say you've been overseas
I say over where
You say just a holiday
My Alsatian heir
I say I've been working late, working overtime
Haven't seen that sun since sixty-nine
Does the moonlight shine on Paris
After the sun goes down
If the London Bridge is falling
Will anybody hear a sound
If you follow the sunset will it ever end
Does the moonlight shine on Paris
Oh and how can you just walk away
Is it something that I said
I see only black and white
You see green and red
You believe in the miracles
Water into wine
I'll believe it when it makes the New York Times
Does the moonlight shine on Paris
After the sun goes down
If the London Bridge is falling
Will anybody hear a sound
If you follow the sunset will it ever end
Does the moonlight shine on Paris
She used to moonlight as a singer at a nightclub.
I have to do a moonlighting job, so that I can afford to rent an apartment near to my company.