口语要素精解:We made it

时间:2006-7-5 21:13:39  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴
口语要素精解:We made it

We made it!(我们成功了!)

Four months ago, Peter, Jack and Wendy formed a rock band, Triangle. They pratised their favourite oldie rock music and songs almost every day because they wanted to be the Champion of the year in the School Singing Contest. The contest was held last week. They performed before an audience of over a thousand students. Their marvellous performance was followed by thundering applause. When they at last heard the Master of Ceremonies say "And the winner is -Triangle", they shouted in one voice,

"We made it!"

oldie 可以指“老话”、“传说”、“旧歌”或者“旧电影”

Master of Ceremonies (常略作MC),是指“司仪”


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