口语要素精解:You look great

时间:2006-7-5 21:15:15  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴
口语要素精解:You look great

You look great!(你看起来神采飞扬!)

It was the first time my eighteen-year-old sister had ever had a date. To her, it was an important event in life and therefore she made every effort to make herself look great. She had her hair set, then made her face up and put on a dress of her favourite colour. But it seemed that she was still not so sure if she looked fine. Seeing her stand there in front of the mirror looking at her own reflection for some twenty minutes, I assured her,

"You look great!"

had her hair set 把头发整理好;弄得好看

reflection 这里指“镜中的映像”。


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