
时间:2005-5-13 14:19:49  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴

²        As soon as you hear the question, guess.
²        Use the rest of the twelve seconds to read the answer choices for the next question.
²        Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the end of Part A.
技巧二: Guess the Topic猜测话题
Staying ahead of the questions helps you overcome the problems caused by the time pressure on this section. Any time you don't see the correct answer, just guess and keep moving. Now that you're keeping up with the ball in this game, that is , staying ahead of the questions, you can begin to practice the second skill you need to win — anticipating [预料] what you opponent will do. It's time to tackle [处理;应付] the second major difficulty of this section.
1.No context没有上下文/没有前后关联
In face-to-face conversation there are a lot of things that you rely on to help you understand what the other person is saying — facial expressions, hand gestures, and what you know about the person or the topic all give additional meaning to the words used. Furthermore if this person uses some words or expressions that you 're not familiar with, you can use the context of the rest of the conversation to help you figure out what they mean.
All of these cues [线索;提示] are gone on Parts A and B of the Listening comprehension section. Aside from time, the largest hurdle to get over in order to do well on this section is that lack of context. For the questions on Parts A and B the information presented is isolated [孤立的]. The question you're waiting to hear on the tape could be about anything. You can't see the person speaking, so it's much harder to figure out their emotional state or opinion.
2.Guess the topic猜测话题
You're reading ahead, you've heard the end of the instructions for Part A, and you begin to read the answer choices for question 1. Let's say the choices are:
1.     (A) I never heard the lecture.
(B) That kind of lecture never fascinates me.
(C) That lect

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