[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第173期:半信半疑
Is that so? I take it half in doubt. 是这样吗?我感到半信半疑。2015-03-13 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第174期:头头是道
Every word he said is clear and logical. 他说话头头是道。2015-03-14 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第175期:永垂不朽
Yes, I believe his name will be forever remembered and eternally immortal. 是的,我相信他的名字将永远被人记住且永垂不朽。2015-03-16 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第176期:司空见惯
Don't take it so serious. It's already order of the day. 别那么认真。此种处境已经司空见惯了。2015-03-17 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第177期:出人头地
I wonder how he came to the fore. 我想知道他是如何出人头地的。2015-03-18 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第178期:出口成章
Correctly. Besides, his tongue is the pen of a ready writer. 是的。此外,他还能够出口成章。2015-03-19 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第179期:出尔反尔
Don't trust him. He often goes back on his word. 别相信他。他经常出尔反尔。2015-03-20 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第180期:出类拔萃
Positively. He towers above the rest in science. 对极了,他在理科方面出类拔萃。2015-03-21 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第181期:老气横秋
Dick is lacking in youthful vigor in appearance. But in fact he is twenty-five years old. 迪克看起来老气横秋,实际上他才25岁。2015-03-23 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第182期:毕恭毕敬
Precisely, Whenever we see him, he waits upon his master cap in hand. 确实。无论何时我们看到他,他都毕恭毕敬地服侍他的主人。2015-03-24 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第183期:问心无愧
If he were a just and fair man, he would felt no qualms upon self-examination. 如果他是一位公正磊落的男人,他就会问心无愧。2015-03-25 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第184期:兴高采烈
Yes, he does. He will be in great delight to scamper about as he sees a dog. 是的,他喜欢。一看见小狗,他就兴高采烈地蹦蹦跳跳。2015-03-26 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第185期:设身处地
It is very kind of you to put yourself in my position to consider me. Thank you very much. 你太好了,设身处地地考虑我的情况。非常感谢!2015-03-27 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第186期:吞吞吐吐
Black hesitates in speech since he was young. 布莱克从小说话就吞吞吐吐。2015-03-28 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第187期: 来之不易
The admission tickets are hard earned. 这门票来之不易啊。2015-03-30 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第188期:来日方长
When will we get together next? 我们下次聚会是什么时候? B: There will be ample time. 来日方长。2015-03-31 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第189期:来龙去脉
Bob likes to find out the cause and effect of the incident. 鲍勃喜欢弄清事情的来龙去脉。2015-04-01 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第190期:快马加鞭
The workers are spurring on the flying horse in the plant. 车间里的工人正快马加鞭干着呢。2015-04-02 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第191期:完美无缺
What do you think about the show? 你觉得该表演如何? B: It leaves nothing to be desired. 完美无缺。2015-04-03 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第192期:识文断字
He is able to read and is sharper than in thought. 他识文断字,比我思想敏锐得多。2015-04-04 编辑:liekkas