[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第153期:石沉大海
I'm terrible sorry. She got lost and her whereabouts sink into oblivion. 很抱歉。她失踪了,她的行踪也石沉大海。2015-02-09 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第154期:平分秋色
No, I don't think so. I think mine is on equal terms with his. 不,我不认为如此。我认为我和他平分秋色。2015-02-10 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第155期:平白无故
I don't know why he gave me money wtthout rhyme or reason. 我搞不懂为何他平白无故给我钱。2015-02-11 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第156期:平步青云
It's strange that he should make a smashing hit within so short a time. 真奇怪,他竟然在如此短的时间内平步青云。2015-02-12 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第157期:平易近人
Is your father easy to get along with? 你的父亲平易近人吗?2015-02-15 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第158期:打抱不平
He often bullies you. I really take up the cudgel for you. 他常欺负你。我真为你打抱不平。2015-02-16 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第159期:打草惊蛇
All right! Let's not wake a sleeping dog and then slowly come close him on the spot. 等着瞧!我们不要打草惊蛇,慢慢靠近他,把他逮个正着。2015-02-17 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第160期:目不识丁
He's an illiterate, 他目不识丁。2015-02-21 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第161期:目光短浅
Don't you think that he sees no further than his nose? 难道你不认为他目光短浅吗?2015-02-26 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第162期:目瞪口呆
She was frightened to be tongue-tied. 她被吓得目瞪口呆。2015-02-27 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第163期:史无前例
Great, his distinguished performance is without precedent in history. 他的杰出表现的确是史无前例。2015-02-28 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第164期:四面八方
They ran in all directions to seek refuge. 他们跑往四面八方去找避难所。2015-03-02 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第165期:四海为家
He asked for alms everywhere, so he was here today and gone tomorrow, 他到处化缘,因此四海为家。2015-03-03 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第166期:生龙活虎
Who told you? He must be an idiot. I saw her just now, and she was alive and kicking. 谁告诉你的?他必定是白痴。我刚刚才看见 她,而她可生龙活虎着呢。2015-03-04 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第167期:仗势欺人
That son of a bitch often pulls rank on others. 那家伙经常仗势欺人。2015-03-05 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第168期:付之一炬
He bought a new motorcycle last Sunday, but it was commit to the flames the following day. 他上星期天买了一部新摩托车,但第二天就 付之一炬了。2015-03-06 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第169期:白手起家
He started from scratch and step by step he made it. 他白手起家,一步一步地成功了。2015-03-07 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第170期:令人发指
Damn It! His brutal action really makes our hair stand on end. 该死!他的兽行的确令人发指。2015-03-10 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第171期:令人昨舌
The entertainer's performances often take our breath away. 那位艺人的表演经常令人咋舌。2015-03-11 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第172期:半斤八两
I'm confused too. In fact they are Tweedledum and Tweedledee. 我也感到困惑。事实上,他们半斤八两。2015-03-12 编辑:liekkas