[冰与火之歌之列王的纷争] 第765期:权力的游戏丹妮莉丝(09)
To reach the west, you must go east.2021-08-18 编辑:sophie
[冰与火之歌之列王的纷争] 第766期:权力的游戏丹妮莉丝(10)
his heavy black brows joined together above his deep-set eyes.2021-08-20 编辑:sophie
[冰与火之歌之列王的纷争] 第767期:权力的游戏丹妮莉丝(11)
That made her smile despite herself.2021-08-23 编辑:sophie
[冰与火之歌之列王的纷争] 第768期:权力的游戏提利昂(01)
Young as she was, Myrcella Baratheon was a princess born.2021-08-25 编辑:sophie
[每日精读] 【名著】《冰与火之歌》 她知道今晚可以在这里找到丈夫
凯特琳向来不喜欢这座神木林。2021-08-24 编辑:Vicki
[冰与火之歌之列王的纷争] 第769期:权力的游戏提利昂(02)
Once Myrcella reached Braavos, she ought to be safe.2021-08-28 编辑:sophie
[冰与火之歌之列王的纷争] 第770期:权力的游戏提利昂(03)
They do not love me, he thought.2021-08-30 编辑:sophie
[每日精读] 【名著】《冰与火之歌》 凯特琳身受七种圣油祝福与加持
凯特琳身受七种圣油祝福与加持,连命名仪式也是在浸沐於七彩虹光的奔流城圣堂里举行的。2021-08-31 编辑:Vicki
[冰与火之歌之列王的纷争] 第771期:权力的游戏提利昂(04)
"You mew like a suckling babe," his brother hissed at him.2021-09-01 编辑:sophie
[冰与火之歌之列王的纷争] 第772期:权力的游戏提利昂(05)
The narrow streets were lined by men of the City Watch, holding back the crowd with the shafts of their spears.2021-09-03 编辑:sophie
[冰与火之歌之列王的纷争] 第773期:权力的游戏提利昂(06)
but his sister always believed in putting on the brave show.2021-09-06 编辑:sophie
[每日精读] 【名著】《冰与火之歌》 只有千面屿上还有绿人静静地看守
南方的鱼梁木早在千年前便遭砍伐焚烧殆尽,只有千面屿上还有绿人静静地看守。2021-09-07 编辑:Vicki
[每日精读] 【名著】《冰与火之歌》 那里是一个青陵纵横花开平野的地方
他离开後,丹妮走到窗边,思慕地望著海湾。2021-09-14 编辑:Vicki
[冰与火之歌之列王的纷争] 第774期:权力的游戏提利昂(07)
Obedient, Sandor Clegane swung down from his saddle, but there was no way through that wall of flesh, let alone to the roof.2021-09-10 编辑:sophie
[冰与火之歌之列王的纷争] 第775期:权力的游戏提利昂(08)
A jagged rock flew past his head as he rode, and a rotten cabbage exploded against Ser Mandon's shield.2021-09-14 编辑:sophie
[冰与火之歌之列王的纷争] 第776期:权力的游戏提利昂(09)
Tyrion was dimly aware of a maester asking if he was injured.2021-09-16 编辑:sophie
[每日精读] 【名著】《冰与火之歌》 他唤她作"小公主"
然而她也不记得龙石岛。2021-09-21 编辑:Vicki
[冰与火之歌之列王的纷争] 第777期:权力的游戏提利昂(10)
Tyrion had stomached all he cared to.2021-09-18 编辑:sophie
[冰与火之歌之列王的纷争] 第778期:权力的游戏提利昂(11)
For half a heartbeat, Tyrion thought he glimpsed fear in the Hound's dark eyes.2021-09-22 编辑:sophie
[冰与火之歌之列王的纷争] 第779期:权力的游戏提利昂(12)
I have Shae in a manse near the Iron Gate.2021-09-24 编辑:sophie