[每日短语] 每日短语 第50期:用心做
If you hope to keep your job, you'd better get on the ball and meet the deadline. 如果你还想要你的那份工作,你最好用心做,赶上最后期限!2014-12-25 编辑:liekkas
[每日短语] 每日短语 第51期:伺机行动
As China's PDA makers battle for market share, cautious global giants play a waiting game. 当中国的PDA厂商竞相抢攻市场占有率时,行事谨慎的跨国大企业持续观望。2014-12-26 编辑:liekkas
[每日短语] 每日短语 第52期:抢先一步
If we do not take step immediately, some one will beat us to it, which means big loss for us. 如果我们不马上采取措施,别人就会抢先一步,而这对我们来说是巨大的损失。2014-12-27 编辑:liekkas
[每日短语] 每日短语 第53期:让某人为难
Don't put me on the spot like this. You know I can't give you confidential information. 别这样让我为难,你知道我不能给你机密资料的。2014-12-28 编辑:liekkas
[每日短语] 每日短语 第54期:生米已成熟饭
Sorry, dear. The fat's in the fire. No way can you retract the "offer" without doing a lot of damage to the relationship. 对不起,亲爱的,生米已成熟饭,你不可能在不伤及双方感情的情况下取消答应人家的事。2014-12-29 编辑:liekkas
[每日短语] 每日短语 第55期:风闻某事
His wife got wind of his dismissing and become very worried. 他太太听说了他被解雇的事情后变得特别忧虑。2014-12-30 编辑:liekkas
[每日短语] 每日短语 第56期:祸从口出
Tom is always saying such stupid thing. He has a real talent for putting his foot in his mouth. 汤姆尽说这种蠢话。他真有惹是生非的本事。2014-12-31 编辑:liekkas
[每日短语] 每日短语 第57期:坐失良机
How could you allow such an great opportunity to slip through your fingers? 你怎么可以就这样错失良机呢?2015-01-01 编辑:liekkas
[每日短语] 每日短语 第58期:毕恭毕敬
when you are pleasing others to help you, you must put your hat in the hand. 当你请求他人帮助你的时候,你的态度要谦卑。2015-01-02 编辑:liekkas
[每日短语] 每日短语 第59期:重获新生
His business company went bankruptcy years ago, but now he opens another big one, it is rise from he ashes. 多年前他的公司破产了,现在他有开了一间公司,可以说是浴火重生。2015-01-03 编辑:liekkas
[每日短语] 每日短语 第60期:付诸流水
All our efforts went down the drain when the power went out. 电一停,我们努力全付诸流水。2015-01-04 编辑:liekkas
[每日短语] 每日短语 第32期:尽情玩乐
他苦心塑造局外人的形象,从不涉足政治人物花天酒地、私下谈买卖的餐馆。2014-11-28 编辑:liekkas
[可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第368期:我保证,我发誓
今天是圣诞节,但我们都得上班,这样的在假日期间仍然照常工作和学习的时间就叫做a busman's holiday——有名无实的假日。早在19世纪,英国人出门常常乘坐“公共马车”。据说,马车车主大都疼爱自己的“马”,常常利用休息日装扮成乘客,偷偷坐在自家的马车上,以确保车夫善待马匹...2021-03-07 编辑:Canace
[每日短语] 每日短语 第61期:表现良好
You'd better shape up if you want to stay on. 如果你还想留下来的话,那就最好乖一点。2015-01-08 编辑:liekkas
[每日短语] 每日短语 第62期:留意
The private school has found a new way to keep students under control. It installed cameras in its classrooms which allow parents to keep an eye on their children via the Internet. 那家私立学校已经发现管理学生的新方..2015-01-09 编辑:liekkas
[每日短语] 每日短语 第63期:隆重的
University Games opened in Beijing with a bang. 世界大学生运动会运在北京隆重开幕。2015-01-10 编辑:liekkas
[每日短语] 每日短语 第64期: 某天
One of these days is none of these days. 说是总有一天,其实是根本不会有那么一天。 (英美谚语)2015-01-12 编辑:liekkas
[每日短语] 每日短语 第65期:渡过危险期
I think the company will be out of the woods thanks to its new products. 我认为公司会因为新产品的推出而渡过难关。2015-01-13 编辑:liekkas
[每日短语] 每日短语 第66期:妄下结论
Don't jump to conclusion. We have to figure it out first. 不要妄下结论,先把事情搞清楚。2015-01-14 编辑:liekkas
[每日短语] 每日短语 第67期:步某人的后尘
He will probably follow in his father's footsteps. 他可能会继承父业。2015-01-15 编辑:liekkas