[《生活大爆炸》原声] 美剧随身听《生活大爆炸》(31) 这下你死定了
双语剧本-Leonard: Okay. I understand your impulse to try to physically intimidate me.好。我明白你企图用武力恐吓我。I mean, you can't compete with me on an intellectual level因为你在智力上无法和我2011-12-12 编辑:lily
[欲望都市] 美剧精讲:《欲望都市》(17) 你可真有福气
双语剧本The next morning I woke up feeling rested and fabulous.第二天早上我醒来,感觉惬意而舒适。I couldn't wait to go out and take in the spectacular view.我迫不及待地想到外面去欣赏美丽的景色。M2011-12-07 编辑:lily
[《生活大爆炸》原声] 美剧随身听《生活大爆炸》(34) 我决不妥协
双语剧本-Leonard:What are you doing?你在干什么?-Sheldon:Every Saturday since we've lived in this apartment自从我们住进这间公寓,I have awakened at 6:15,poured myself a bowl of cereal,每周六早晨2011-12-15 编辑:lily
[欲望都市] 美剧精讲:《欲望都市》(18) 未婚女士的苦恼
双语剧本So I told her I didn't understand why she was so upset.所以我就跟她说我不明白她为什么感到不安。She said I couldn't understand it. I'm single.她说我不会理解的,因为我是单身。And wh2011-12-15 编辑:lily
[实习医生格蕾] 十岁女孩用《实习医生格蕾》知识救母亲
A 10-year-old girl brought her mother back to life after she blacked out and stopped breathing, using resuscitation techniques learned from watching Grey's Anatomy.[qh]十岁的小姑娘在母亲昏厥停止呼2011-12-16 编辑:lily
[《生活大爆炸》原声] 美剧随身听《生活大爆炸》(35) 还看什么看啊
双语剧本-Christy:Hi. Christy.嗨,我是Christy。-Leonard:Leonard.我是Leonard。-Sheldon:I'm Sheldon.我是Sheldon。-Christy:Right.是啊。You're Howard's entourage.你们是Howard的随从。-Penny2011-12-18 编辑:lily
[《生活大爆炸》原声] 美剧随身听《生活大爆炸》(37) 我要饿死在饭桌上了
双语剧本Waiter:Hi, fellas. Oh, where's your annoying little friend who thinks he speaks Mandarin?嗨,伙计们,你们那个招人厌的自以为会说普通话的朋友去哪儿了?Sheldon:He's putting his needs ah2011-12-21 编辑:lily
[欲望都市] 美剧精讲:《欲望都市》(19) 已婚者与未婚者的战争
双语剧本Is there a secret cold war between marrieds and singles?已婚者与未婚者之间正在进行着一场冷战吗?I love my single friends. But now that I'm married, I don't see them as much as I used2011-12-19 编辑:lily
[欲望都市] 美剧精讲:《欲望都市》(20) 我们其实不是一对
双语剧本Meanwhile, across town, things were winding down.与此同时,在城里的另一端,一切也接近尾声Thank you so much, we really had a great time.多谢您的款待,我们过得很愉快。As did we all.大家都很开心2011-12-21 编辑:lily
[《生活大爆炸》原声] 美剧随身听《生活大爆炸》(36) 这饭没法吃了
双语剧本Sheldon:I'm sorry, we cannot do this without Wolowitz.对不起,没有Wolowitz我们吃不成。Leonard:We can't order Chinese food without Wolowitz?没有Wolowitz我们就不能点中国菜?Sheldon:Le2011-12-20 编辑:lily
[《尼基塔》精讲] 《尼基塔》片段精讲:曾经的美好,都化为泡影
剧本原文背景介绍:Michael发现原来自己为之卖命的组织就是害得自己家破人亡的元凶,内心十分悲痛。他站在白雪覆盖的树林里,背对Nikita,向她讲述自己曾经拥有过的幸福。Michael: I bought them a house...我给Eli2011-12-22 编辑:lily
[《生活大爆炸》原声] 美剧随身听《生活大爆炸》(38) 你别没事儿找事儿啊
双语剧本Leonard:we had something we wanted to ask you—Sheldon?我们想请你做件事——谢尔顿。Sheldon:Yes. Penny...好的。Penny…we would very much appreciate it if you would be the fourth member of ou2011-12-22 编辑:lily
[欲望都市] 美剧精讲:《欲望都市》(21) 我就是想结婚
双语剧本I don't understand you women.我真搞不懂你们女人。All I hear is, ''I want to get married, I want to get married'', and none of you says yes.我总是听到女人们说我想结婚,我想2011-12-23 编辑:lily
[《生活大爆炸》原声] 美剧随身听《生活大爆炸》(39) 生病神马的最可怕了
双语剧本Leonard: How's your family你家人怎么样?Penny: It was the worst trip.这趟旅行简直糟透了。Everyone got sick over the weekend.一个周末下来家里人全病了。Sheldon: Sick?病了?Leonard: Here we2011-12-26 编辑:lily
[《绯闻女孩》美剧精讲] 《绯闻女孩》S02E01笔记:真是个漂亮姑娘啊!
1. - Look, she need time to decompress from her breakup anyway.- Covering for me works for her, too.- Let's go to my place before somebody spots us.decompress: chill out, wind down.放松,减压,释2011-12-27 编辑:lily
[《生活大爆炸》原声] 美剧随身听《生活大爆炸》(40) 那些伤害过我们的女孩儿
双语剧本Leonard:Okay, we cannot leave this to chance.好吧,咱们不能靠运气。Let's pick a girl and figure out how to get her together with Dennis.挑一个女孩,再想怎么把她和Dennis撮合在一起。Raj:O2011-12-27 编辑:lily
[欲望都市] 美剧精讲:《欲望都市》(22) 恋爱中的女人
双语剧本The island of Manhattan is a cozy village populated by more than fascinating seven million individuals, who all behave like they own the sidewalk.曼哈顿是一个舒适的小岛,上面住了七百多万人,并2011-12-27 编辑:lily
[《绯闻女孩》美剧精讲] 《绯闻女孩》S02E01笔记:功成身退
6.The only thing lamer than dating Dan Humphrey is mourning Dan Humphrey. And the only reason you're still sitting shivah is because you haven't gotten back out there and had your summer flin2011-12-28 编辑:lily
[《生活大爆炸》原声] 美剧随身听《生活大爆炸》(41) 我们是无敌四人组
双语剧本Sheldon:Well, count me out.我不参加。Leonard:What? Why?什么? 为什么?Sheldon:You want me to use my intelligence in a tawdry competition?你想让我把才智浪费在这种华而不实的比赛上吗?Would you2011-12-28 编辑:lily
[《绯闻女孩》美剧精讲] 《绯闻女孩》S02E02笔记:你吓死我了
8. Marcus dated the descendant of Princess Grace. His consort needs to be able to host royal dinners and hobnob with oligarchs and dictators.Well, if you can't find common ground with a dictator,2011-12-30 编辑:lily