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  • [中级美国英语] 中级美国英语 Lesson 4: 助动词 can,

    第四课 助动词 can, may, will 等一.本课要点及示例在这一课里我们要学习怎么用助动词 can, c-a-n, can, may, m-a-y, may, will, w-i-l-l, will 和 might, m-i-g-h-t, might.首先我们依照惯例, 先请你听一段对话,

    2006-02-05 编辑:admin

  • [中级美国英语] 中级美国英语 Lesson 3: Many muc

    第三课 Many, much 和 there be一.本课要点及示例在这课里我们要学习怎么用many, m-a-n-y, many 跟 much, m-u-c-h, much.这两个 字都有 "很多" 的意思, 可是用法不同. 另外我们还要学习用 there is 跟 there are

    2006-02-05 编辑:admin

  • [中级美国英语] 中级美国英语 Lesson 2: Used to&

    第二课 Used to 的用法一.本课要点及示例今天我们要练习两个词组, 一个是 used to, u-s-e-d t-o, used to, 另外一个是动词加上 to, t-o, to 再加上动词, 也就是 like to do 和 want to go 等等的动词短语.首先请你

    2006-02-05 编辑:admin

  • [中级美国英语] 中级美国英语 Lesson 1: One,which&nbs

    第一课 One,which one 和单字介词一.本课要点及示例:在这课里我们要学习用 one o-n-e one "一个" 跟 which one "哪一个" 作句子.我们 也要学用单字介词, 比方: on, in, under, at, 跟一个字以上, 比较长的介词

    2006-02-05 编辑:admin

  • [英语高级听力] 英语高级听力:Lesson 1

    ■点击查看听力文本■ Lesson One Secdon One: News in Brief Topescript 1. Freed American hostage, David Jacobsen, appealed today for the release of the remaining captives in Lebanon, saying, "Those gu

    2006-01-15 编辑:admin

  • [英语中级听力] 英语中级听力 Lesson 36

    ■点击查看听力文本■ Just before I give a few details about the—er—fun aspect of computers that is, for use at home and for entertainment—I'd like to mention a couple of facts about the outlook

    2006-01-15 编辑:admin

  • [英语中级听力] 英语中级听力 Lesson 35

    ■点击查看听力文本■ Tom: ... when I was living ... in North Africa, and I had a cook, and I'd been there for several years, you see. And I was just going to come on leave to England, you see, and

    2006-01-15 编辑:admin

  • [英语中级听力] 英语中级听力 Lesson 34

    ■点击查看听力文本■ Like most of us, I was pretty skeptical about palmistry, and I still am to some extent, but I have found one or two interesting things which I'd like to mention. There are, in

    2006-01-15 编辑:admin

  • [英语中级听力] 英语中级听力 Lesson 33

    ■点击查看听力文本■ Angela: Would you like ... to tell me about it? Denise: Yes, I think ... it's rather a unique experience, actually. I was in New York, er, er, a few years ago and I wanted to re

    2006-01-15 编辑:admin

  • [英语中级听力] 英语中级听力 Lesson 32

    ■点击查看听力文本■ Interviewer: Could you tell me how we should keep fit? Dr. Davis: Well really what we should do is to try to erm keep fit all round. Now what do I mean by that? I mean er such th

    2006-01-15 编辑:admin

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