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中级美国英语 Lesson 1: One,which one 和单字介词

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第一课 One,which one 和单字介词

在这课里我们要学习用 one o-n-e one "一个" 跟 which one "哪一个" 作句子.我们 也要学用单字介词, 比方: on, in, under, at, 跟一个字以上, 比较长的介词, 比方:

in front of "在什么什么前面", in back of "在什么什么后面" 作句子. 我们先学 the one 跟 which one.

现在请你听一段对话, 是说一对夫妇亨利 Henry 跟凯特 Kate 到飞机场去接亨利 的表妹苏珊 Susan. 现在请你注意听:

M: Kate, look! The passengers are coming from the plane, and there's Susan.

F: Which one ?

M: The tall one next to the window.

F: The one with the suitcase?

M: No. The one with the package under her arm.

F: Oh, yes! That's Susan !

M: Hello, Susan! How was the trip?

F: Fine. It was a very good flight.


M: Kate, look! The passengers are coming from the plane, and there's Susan.

F: Which one?

M: The tall one next to the window.

F: The one with the suitcase?

M: No. The one with the package under her arm.

F: Oh,yes! That's Susan!

M: Hello, Susan! How was the trip?

F: Fine. It was a very good flight.

现在我们把会话里有 the one 跟 which one 的句子挑出来, 用慢速度再念一遍, 请你注意听.

F: Which one?

M: The tall one next to the window.

F: The one with the suitcase?

M: The one with the package under her arm.

二.Which one 和 one 练习

现在我们来作一组练习. 老师先问 Which one? 然后他再念一个词组, 请你用 the one 跟这个词组来回答问题, 最后请你注意听正确答案.

F: Which one?

F: with the suitcase

M: The one with the suitcase.

F: Which one?

F: with the red dress

M: The one with the red dress.

F: Which one?

F: with the long hair

M: The one with the long hair.

F: Which one?

F: with the package

M: The one with the package.

F: Which one?

F: with the black shoes

M: The one with the black shoes.

现在我们换一个方式作练习, 这组练习的内容是说 Henry 跟 Kate 要去赴一个宴 会, 商量穿什么衣服, 还揣测宴会是大是小. 练习的作法是老师先提出一个有选 择的问句, 然后给你一个形容词, 请你用这个形容词跟 one 来回答问题. 我们先 举一个例子给你听.

F: Are you going to wear the yellow shirt or the white shirt?


M: white 白.

F: I'm going to wear the white one.


请你注意答案里的 one 这个字指的就是问句里的 shirt 那个字. 现在我们开始 练习. 在你回答之后, 请听正确答案.

F: Are you going to wear the yellow shirt or the white shirt?

F: white

M: I'm going to wear the white one.

F: Are you going to wear a long coat or a short coat?

F: long

M: I'm going to wear a long one.

F: Is it going to be a big party or a small party?

F: small

M: It's going to be a small one.

请你注意: 凡是多数名词, 应该用 ones. 下面我们来练习:

F: Are you going to wear white shoes or black shoes?

F: black

M: I'm going to wear the black ones.

F: Are you going to wear blue pants or brown pants?

F: blue

M: I'm going to wear the blue ones.

F: Are you going to wear new gloves or old gloves?

F: new

M: I'm going to wear the new ones.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
suitcase ['su:tkeis]


n. 手提箱

flight [flait]


n. 飞行,航班
n. 奇思妙想,一段楼

preposition [.prepə'ziʃən]


n. 介词

flag [flæg]


n. 旗,旗帜,信号旗
vt. (以旗子)标出

plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平





