[词汇辅导] 口译词汇第36期:装嫩
词性及解释 装嫩 vi.act younger vi.pretend to be younger例句 Acting younger to attract younger men would just be a turn-off because he's attracted to you because of your age.装嫩去吸引年轻男士恰恰会2009-07-25 编辑:sunny
[词汇辅导] 口译词汇第35期:裸眼
词性及解释 裸眼 n. unaided eye例句 What is the smallest thing you can see with your unaided eye?用裸眼你能看到的最小东西是什么?【百科知识】 所谓裸眼看日食对眼睛的损害,从病理上讲实际上是一种光化学损2009-07-24 编辑:sunny
[口译备考资料] 中级口译练习素材:外交部就印尼爆炸案答记者问(中英对照)
问:印尼首都雅加达两家豪华酒店17日发生两起爆炸案,已造成至少9人死亡,50人受伤。中方对此有何评论? Q: Two explosive attacks took place on July 17 in two hotels of Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia,2009-07-23 编辑:sunny
[中级口译模拟试题] 中级口译实考试卷汇编(2)
中级口译实考试卷汇编(2)2009-07-23 编辑:sunny
[词汇辅导] 口译词汇第34期:被就业
词汇释义词性及解释 被就业 n.falsification of graduates employment status例句 Falsification of graduates employment status is normal in some college.“被就业”现象在某些大学很普遍。 新闻背景毕业生发帖2009-07-23 编辑:sunny
[中级口译模拟试题] 中级口译实考试卷汇编(1)
中级口译实考试卷汇编(1)2009-07-22 编辑:sunny
[词汇辅导] 口译词汇第33期:日飙车
词性及解释 飙车 n.drag racing例句 Parents of the dead pedestrian in east China's Zhejiang Province was compensated for more than one million yuan by a drag-racing driver, Hu Bin, who has been arrest2009-07-22 编辑:sunny
[词汇辅导] 口译词汇第32期:日全食
词性及解释 日全食 n. total eclipse of the sun例句 加纳就是世界上第一个可以看到罕见的日全食的城市。Ghana was the first place on earth where the rare total solar eclipse was visible.北京时间8月1日19时左2009-07-21 编辑:sunny
[口译备考资料] 中级口译练习素材:中石化原董事长陈同海受贿近2亿 被判死缓
Chen Tonghai, the former head of Sinopec, China's largest company, has been given a suspended death sentence after being convicted of taking $28.8m (2009-07-20 编辑:sunny