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  • [华尔街高级英语] 华尔街高级英语 Lesson 41

    华尔街高级英语 Lesson 41 1. Excuse me, my name is Marco Benini. I have an appointment with Mr. Ramirez.2. Would you take a seat over there, please? I’ll call you when he’s ready.3. Erm…he did ask

    2006-03-02 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街高级英语] 华尔街高级英语 Lesson 40

    华尔街高级英语 Lesson 40 72. OK. It’s time to go for the big one, now.73. The Carlos Ramirez Foundation. Can I help you?74. My name is Marco Benini and I represent the ECS corporation. I’d like to

    2006-03-02 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街高级英语] 华尔街高级英语 Lesson 39

    华尔街高级英语 Lesson 39 44. Mexico. Can I help you?45. This is Marco Benini from the ESC Corporation. I’d like to speak to Mr. Cabron, please.46. Hold the line, please. Mr. Cabron, Mr. Cabron.47. H

    2006-03-02 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街高级英语] 华尔街高级英语 Lesson 38

    华尔街高级英语 Lesson 38 25. Where am I? What’s happened?26. Good morning, Marco. Are you feeling better now?27. I’ve got the most terrible headache. I think I must have flu or something. Have you

    2006-03-02 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街高级英语] 华尔街高级英语 Lesson 37

    华尔街高级英语 Lesson 37 1. Good afternoon, everybody. This is Captain Poquita speaking. I hope you’ve been enjoying your flight with Band Air, because you sure as hell won’t enjoy what’s going to

    2006-03-02 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街高级英语] 华尔街高级英语 Lesson 36

    华尔街高级英语 Lesson 36 Washdon Police Department-Arrest Report SheetFor the attention of: Detective Superintendent HensonName of suspect: Mr. John A. BerryReasons for arrest: 1. Use of bad language

    2006-03-02 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街高级英语] 华尔街高级英语 Lesson 35

    华尔街高级英语 Lesson 35 82. Can I help you?83. Yes, thank you. I want to report the loss of my car.84. The loss of your car? How exactly does one go about losing a car?85. Well, no, I mean…86. Pres

    2006-03-02 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街高级英语] 华尔街高级英语 Lesson 34

    华尔街高级英语 Lesson 34 65. Very funny, that business with Mr. Gusper. Real strange. There’s a supermarket over there. I’ve got nothing for supper. No one will mind if I park here, will they?66. H

    2006-03-02 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街高级英语] 华尔街高级英语 Lesson 33

    华尔街高级英语 Lesson 33 37. There he is, Badges, stop him!38. Do you have a reservation, sir?39. I’m a police officer. I’ve come here to arrest someone.40. That has nothing to do with it. Have you

    2006-03-02 编辑:admin

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