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  • [华尔街高级英语] 华尔街高级英语 Lesson 32

    华尔街高级英语 Lesson 32 19.Hey Oscar! What’s that? My God! There’s a guy lying here. Oscar, help me!20.Keep calm Daris. Don’t touch him.21.I don’t think he’s dead. He’s opening his eyes. Oscar

    2006-03-02 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街高级英语] 华尔街高级英语 Lesson 31

    华尔街高级英语 Lesson 31 1, So, here you are, at last.2.It was as if he’d been expecting me. I moved back to the other end of the boat with my mind working fast. Fortunately, I had a knife on me, so

    2006-03-02 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街高级英语] 华尔街高级英语 Lesson 30

    华尔街高级英语 Lesson 30 72. My story, as you put it, is this: I first met Mr. P though my antiques business.73.He used to collect, er…medieval religious statues, and I sometimes bought them for him

    2006-03-02 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街高级英语] 华尔街高级英语 Lesson 29

    华尔街高级英语 Lesson 29 1.Here we are, then. It’s a fairly good restaurant, by Washdon standards. Have you ever been here before, Annie?2.What do you think? It’s not exactly my sort of place.3.I s

    2006-03-02 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街高级英语] 华尔街高级英语 Lesson 28

    华尔街高级英语 Lesson 28 Apartment 2261016 Lower Mean Street22323 WashdonDear Annie,It was very nice to see you the other day, even though we hardly had a chance to talk to each other properly.I’m v

    2006-03-02 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街高级英语] 华尔街高级英语 Lesson 27

    华尔街高级英语 Lesson 27 69. Excuse me, I’m looking for a Mr. Gusper.70. At your service.71. It’s very urgent. I’ve got to find him immediately.72. Find whom?73. Mr. Gusper. I believe he’s stayin

    2006-03-02 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街高级英语] 华尔街高级英语 Lesson 26

    华尔街高级英语 Lesson 26 1. Washdon International Airport at last. Now, where to park? Hey, there’s a perfect place right outside the entrance where all those taxies are.2. Lucky nobody else parked

    2006-03-02 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街高级英语] 华尔街高级英语 Lesson 25

    华尔街高级英语 Lesson 25 100. Oh no; where the hell am I now?101. Excuse me sir, I think I’m lost.102. Yes son, I do believe you are. But the Lord will save you Hallelujah! Just step right this way.

    2006-03-02 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街高级英语] 华尔街高级英语 Lesson 24

    华尔街高级英语 Lesson 24 64. What does that sign say? I can’t quite read it maybe if I move into the inside lane…65. Look out, you fool!66. Sorry about that! That can’t be right, it says “Washdon

    2006-03-02 编辑:admin

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