

您的位置: 首页 > 标签  包含有标签 华尔街 的文章共有:377
  • [华尔街高级英语] 华尔街高级英语 Lesson 5

    华尔街高级英语 Lesson 5 Dear colleagues,Although this salesman has only been working with the organization for two weeks, it is already quite possible to give a general picture of his success in sell

    2006-03-02 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街高级英语] 华尔街高级英语 Lesson 4

    华尔街高级英语 Lesson 480. Excuse me, Sir Could we have a little word with you?81. Eh?82. Just get into the car please sir.83. What for ? What about my boxes?84. You won’t be needing them. In you go

    2006-03-02 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街高级英语] 华尔街高级英语 Lesson 3

    华尔街高级英语 Lesson 3 55. Coming!56. Gosh! it’s true!57. What?58. Sorry. Good morning, madam. Are you the only person in this house?59. No, I share it with three other people. Why? What’s it do w

    2006-03-02 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街高级英语] 华尔街高级英语 Lesson 2

    华尔街高级英语 Lesson 2 23. Yes? What can I do for you?24. Gee, hello! Um, er.. do you like coffee?25. What a strange question! I think you’d better come in.26. Oh, thank you.27. Well take your coat

    2006-03-02 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街高级英语] 华尔街高级英语 Lesson 1

    华尔街高级英语 Lesson 1 1. Here am I then ready for all those gorgeous housewives sitting, around at home with nothing to do! 2. Geez these things are heavy! I sure hope I manage to sell a few all of

    2006-03-02 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街基础英语] 华尔街基础英语 Lesson 102

    华尔街基础英语 Lesson 102华尔街英语全程共17级,前12级为普通级,后5级为商务级,其全程学费更高达40000元以上,不以应试为目的,旨在提高口语与听力能力,帮助人们学会如何真正地用英语沟通!真实场景设置,人物

    2006-02-17 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街基础英语] 华尔街基础英语 Lesson 101

    华尔街基础英语 Lesson 101华尔街英语全程共17级,前12级为普通级,后5级为商务级,其全程学费更高达40000元以上,不以应试为目的,旨在提高口语与听力能力,帮助人们学会如何真正地用英语沟通!真实场景设置,人物

    2006-02-17 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街基础英语] 华尔街基础英语 Lesson 100

    华尔街基础英语 Lesson 100华尔街英语全程共17级,前12级为普通级,后5级为商务级,其全程学费更高达40000元以上,不以应试为目的,旨在提高口语与听力能力,帮助人们学会如何真正地用英语沟通!真实场景设置,人物

    2006-02-17 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街基础英语] 华尔街基础英语 Lesson 99

    华尔街基础英语 Lesson 99华尔街英语全程共17级,前12级为普通级,后5级为商务级,其全程学费更高达40000元以上,不以应试为目的,旨在提高口语与听力能力,帮助人们学会如何真正地用英语沟通!真实场景设置,人物鲜

    2006-02-17 编辑:admin

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