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  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第64期:Sedna 塞德娜

    Sedna 塞德娜Pluto is the last of the nine planets, and when it's at its farthest point in its elliptical orbit, it's the farthest planet from the sun. That's true, but incorre

    2012-09-05 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第63期:惨淡的人生

    The Nucleus原子核Don: A guy walks into a bar, and sits down next to an electron. The electron has two empty beers in front of him, and was working on a third. "My life is a worst", says ele

    2012-09-04 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第62期:烟酒不分家?

    Drinking and Smoking烟酒不分家?Scientists have long been aware of the link between drinking and smoking. In fact, eighty to ninety percent of alcoholics also smoke, which is about three times the ra

    2012-09-03 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第61期:鱼儿如何相亲

    Fish Blind Dates鱼儿初次约会There are plenty of examples in nature of females being attracted to the biggest males. This is especially true for a species of fish called the Atlantic Mollie.自然界中有

    2012-08-31 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第60期:燃烧仅在地球可行

    What is fire anyway?火究竟是什么?Well, fire is rapid oxidization. It's the energy released when oxygen atoms start combining with carbon and hydrogen atoms.火,即燃烧,是快速的氧化反应。氧化

    2012-08-30 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第59期:像雾一样的固体物质

    正文部分Frozen Smoke固体烟Male:What's as light as smoke but strong as a brick?什么东西既可以跟烟一样轻,又可以跟砖块一样重?Female:I'm gonna take a while guess and say... aerogel?让我

    2012-08-29 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第58期:身体,你怎么啦?


    2012-08-28 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第57期:教育孩子影响大脑

    How Parenting Affects the Brain教育孩子影响大脑If you're one of those parents that constantly worries about their kids, you're not alone.你是否和很多家长一样,经常为孩子担心?In fact,

    2012-08-27 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第56期:鸟儿如何睡觉?

    How do birds sleep?鸟儿如何睡觉?How do birds hang onto trees when they're asleep? Why don't they fall off?鸟儿睡觉时是如何挂在树上的呢?它们为什么掉不下来?That's easy. It&am

    2012-08-24 编辑:rainbow

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