[听名著练听力] 听名著:《傲慢与偏见》第106期"丰盛的酒席"
英文原文酒席果然特别体面,待候的仆从以及盛酒菜的器皿,也跟柯林斯先生所形容过的一模一样……The dinner was exceedingly handsome, and there were all the servants and all the articles of plate which Mr.2011-10-18 编辑:beck
[听名著练听力] 听名著:《傲慢与偏见》第105期"富贵气派"
英文原文他们踏上台阶走进穿堂的时候,玛丽亚一分钟比一分钟来得惶恐,连威廉爵士也不能完全保持镇定。When they ascended the steps to the hall, Maria's alarm was every moment increasing, and even Sir Will2011-10-17 编辑:beck
[听名著练听力] 听名著:《傲慢与偏见》第104期"得意的请客"
英文原文罗新斯这一次请客,真使得柯林斯先生感到百分之百地得意。他本来一心要让这些好奇的宾客们去风光一下他那女施主的堂皇气派,看看老夫人对待他们夫妇俩多么礼貌周全。Mr. Collins's triumph, in consequenc2011-10-14 编辑:beck
[听名著练听力] 听名著:《傲慢与偏见》第103期"意外访客"
英文原文亲爱的伊丽莎呀,请你赶快到餐室里去,那儿有了不起的场面值得看呢!我可不告诉你是怎么回事。赶快呀,马上下楼来。” About the middle of the next day, as she was in her room getting ready for a wal2011-10-13 编辑:beck
[听名著练听力] 听名著:《傲慢与偏见》第102期:拜访
柯林斯先生本来想把他们从花园里带去看看两块草地,但是太太小姐们的鞋子抵挡不住那残余的白霜,于是全都走回去了,只剩下威廉爵士陪伴着他。From his garden, Mr. Collins would have led them round his two mead2011-10-12 编辑:beck
[听名著练听力] 听名著:《傲慢与偏见》第101期:接受邀请
英文阅读 第二天旅途上的每一样事物,伊丽莎白都感到新鲜有趣;她精神很愉快……Every object in the next day's journey was new and interesting to Elizabeth; and her spirits were in a state of enjoyment;2011-10-11 编辑:beck
[听名著练听力] 听名著:《傲慢与偏见》第101期:接受邀请
英文阅读 对伊丽莎白说来,随便什么计划也不会比这个计划更中她的意了,她毫不犹豫地接受了这个邀请,而且非常感激。"If you will only tell me what sort of girl Miss King is, I shall know what to think. "2011-10-10 编辑:beck
[听名著练听力] 听名著:《傲慢与偏见》第100期:谈论婚姻问题
英文阅读 拿婚姻问题来讲,见钱眼红与动机正当究竟有什么不同?做到什么地步为止就算知礼,打哪儿起就要算是贪心?It was a journey of only twenty-four miles, and they began it so early as to be in Gracechu2011-10-09 编辑:beck
[听名著练听力] 听名著:《傲慢与偏见》第99期:浪搏恩这家人家
英文阅读 浪搏恩这家人家除了这些事以外,再没有别的大事;除了到麦里屯去散散步以外,再没有别的消遣。 With no greater events than these in the Longbourn family, and otherwise diversified by little beyon2011-10-08 编辑:beck