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[创意生活] 创意生活:美食专家教你在家轻松制作杯形蛋糕
Julie Storey, owner of the Brighton cupcake company, shows you how to create a delicious and healthy cupcake recipe at home using gluten free flour and rice milk.布莱顿蛋糕公司的主人朱莉

时间:2012-03-23 编辑:mike

[创意生活] 创意生活:教你让衣物更白净光鲜的方法
Natural White [qh]自然白色 [qh]Mix in 8 ounces of 3% hydrogen peroxide into your load of laundry, instead of using bleach. The natural cleaning and whitening properties of hydrogen peroxide will leav

时间:2012-03-22 编辑:mike

[创意生活] 创意生活:专家教你轻松调制鸡尾酒

时间:2012-03-20 编辑:mike

[创意生活] 创意生活:专家教你通过改变饮食自然减肥
This Videojug tutorial will help you learn how to lose weight easily and naturally through simple alterations to your everyday diet.这个视频指南将会帮助你学习如何通过简单的改变日常饮食从而达到自然轻松

时间:2012-03-19 编辑:mike

[创意生活] 创意生活:专业厨师教你轻松使用剔骨刀
How To Use A Boning Knife by the Pampered Chef. Visit our website for more great videos at http://www.pamperedchef.com/video.本期节目由厨师庞贝德教你如何使用剔骨刀,在我们的网站可以浏览更多相关的视频

时间:2012-03-16 编辑:mike

[创意生活] 创意生活:专家教你轻松打半温莎结领带
Heather shows VideoJug how to tie a great tie. Practise and perfect your half Windsor knot with this helpful step by step guide on how to tie a tie. [qh]希瑟展示给VideoJug如何如何打一条伟大的领带。按

时间:2012-03-15 编辑:mike

[创意生活] 创意生活:小窍门教你轻松节约用水
Step 1: FILL A 1/2 GALLON CONTAINER 第一步:找一个半加仑的容器 Fill up a half-gallon container and seal it shut. 在容器中装满水,并盖好盖子密封好。Step 2: PLACE IT IN THE TANK

时间:2012-03-14 编辑:mike

[创意生活] 创意生活:处理脚部抽筋专家有妙招
Step 1: Put weight on painful foot第一步:让痛脚承受身体的重量As soon as you feel the pain of a cramp, put your body weight on the front of the affected foot一旦你感到抽筋的疼痛,让你的体重

时间:2012-03-09 编辑:mike

[创意生活] 创意生活:专家支招让你快速止住流鼻血
Stop a Nosebleed. Don't suffer unnecessarily with this common complaint. Our expert advice shows the correct way to stop the discomfort of a nose bleed. 流鼻血可是个麻烦事。你已经不必再为这个

时间:2012-03-08 编辑:mike
