[职场双语] 职场秘籍:克服不自信的六个方法
“You'll never succeed.” 你永远不会成功了。“You're not good enough.”你不够好。“You might as well give up now.”你最好现在放弃吧。Chances are, you're hearing things like that every single day.很2011-08-29 编辑:Richard
[大千世界] 职场秘籍:十个提高自我水准的方法
These self improvement activities will help you become more productive, get into the positive state of mind and achieve better quality of life. In this article you will also find out how to use your2011-08-24 编辑:Richard
[办公室英语] 办公室英语口语:女老板怎么当?
前一阵子,英国《金融时报》刊登了世界排名前50位的女首席执行官名单。我向来对此类名单兴趣浓厚,于是便在用早餐时仔细研究了一番。首先,我欣赏了雅芳首席执行官(CEO)佩戴的双排珍珠项链,莎莉公司(Sara Lee)2011-08-04 编辑:Richard
[日语推荐] 【日本TBS视频新闻】联合国决定对于核泄漏事件长期调查
2011-05-24 编辑:dodofly
[日语推荐] 【日本TBS视频新闻】日本超市4月份营业额减少
2011-05-24 编辑:dodofly
[日语推荐] 【日企职场口语】日企工作常用日语~
2011-05-24 编辑:dodofly
[日语推荐] 【职场日语】情景会话——录取电话通知
2011-05-17 编辑:dodofly
[快乐职场] 成功创业者的九大必备素质(视频文本)
视频欣赏【Video】How To Start a Business on Howcast【Transcript】 If you are ready for the risks and the work, take your passion to the next level and start your own business.You Will NeedA business2010-07-28 编辑:vicki
[快乐职场] 盘点:可以在家工作的N种职业(视频文本)
视频欣赏【Video】How To Make Money From Home on Howcast【Transcript】 Economic downturns can be frightening, so pick yourself up and make some money in an environment you control.经济不景气让人恐慌,2010-07-20 编辑:vicki