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- [职场双语] 职场双语:大胆的人不适合公职?
- I work for a big public sector corporation. Recently, a kind and much more senior colleague told me I would never be promoted because I am "too bold to make it to the top". He was adamant t
时间:2012-04-17 编辑:Jasmine
- [职场双语] 囧研究:临时工让正式职工"破财又伤身"
- Working with temps harms your health and wealth. Not only will you suffer anxiety attacks, you'll get paid less too, according to a new report from the National Institute of Economic and Soci
时间:2012-04-16 编辑:Jasmine
- [职场双语] 到新公司第一天你必须做的四件事
- 对于许多职场新人来说,上班第一天都是既兴奋又惶恐的,不知道自己应该做些什么事才好。如果不想让同事和上司觉得你是个第一天上班就混日子的职场菜鸟,你可通过以下几个途径迅速进入工作状态。In the Morning清晨时
时间:2012-04-13 编辑:Jasmine
- [面试英语] 职场测试:你对现在的工作满意吗?(下)
- 14. You use your time constructively, and while you may get bored once in awhile, you're mostly on-task and ready for action.有建设性地使用时间。虽然时而感到无聊,但多数时候状态不错,随时准备
时间:2012-04-11 编辑:richard
- [面试英语] 职场测试:你对现在的工作满意吗?(上)
- The average American spends a lot of time at work -- more than 1,800 hours a year. But how many of those hours are spent daydreaming about being somewhere (or anywhere) else?普通美国人每年的工作时间很
时间:2012-04-10 编辑:richard
- [职场双语] 职场揭秘:为什么你面试总是失败
- Most of the job seekersfail in the interviews because they:大多数的应聘者没能成功是因为他们:1. Didn't researchthe company. Didn't know the CEO's name, the size of the company
时间:2012-04-10 编辑:Jasmine
- [职场双语] 远离压力:办公室减压全攻略
- 在电影《杜拉拉升职记》中,我们看到杜拉拉要面对反复开会讨论方案、彻夜不眠加班赶工、被拉去干体力活等白领们最常遇到的事情。在你每日疲倦之余,是否忽略了自身的健康?不要忘了,只有健康才能让你焕发亮丽光彩!
时间:2012-04-09 编辑:Jasmine
- [《丑女贝蒂》精讲] 吃透职场美剧《丑女贝蒂》第42期:总监的阴谋
- 试听正文台词:Wilhelmina: How dare he embarrass me like that in front of everyone?他怎么能在那么多人面前让我难堪?Marc: The tall jar of mayonnaise is clearly making a power play.那个草包显然开始变的更
时间:2012-05-10 编辑:Ballet
- [职场双语] 研究:自恋者求职面试表现更佳
- Really, really liking yourself may give you the edge in your next job interview, a new study suggests.一项新研究显示,自恋确实能让你在下一个求职面试中占据优势。That's because narcissists, kno
时间:2012-04-06 编辑:Jasmine