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  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第107期:他要去找工作

    一、边听边学Listen and Learnpound the pavement找工作shoot the breeze 聊天get under one's skin 激怒某人up to here with sb.受够了put sb. on the spot 使某人尴尬give someone the third degree 盘问某人

    2012-02-03 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第106期:我简直冻僵了

    一、边听边学Listen and Learnfreezing 冷冻的,严寒的frozen 冻结的,冷酷的chill sb. to the bone使人感到寒气刺骨bone-chilling 寒气刺骨brass monkey 猴儿冷 , 特别冷wrap up warm穿暖和cold front 冷锋take a

    2012-01-30 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第105期:侃侃"减肥"

    一、边听边学Listen and Learnfreezing treadmill 跑步机 a crust of bread 一块面包 a stick of gum 一片口香糖 a morsel 一口,少量 a speck of food 少量食物

    2012-01-30 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第104期:与"龙"有关的成语

    龙腾虎跃:比喻奋起行动,有所作为。也形容热闹的气氛。dragons rising and tigers leaping; a scene of bustling activity bustling望子成龙:希望自己的子女能在学业和事业上有成就。to hope one's children

    2012-01-23 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第103期:我需要一杯水振奋精神

    一、边听边学Listen and Learnin the still of the night 夜深人静perk up 振作精神,活跃起来wring out/squeeze the clothes 拧衣服fire away开始说话;问吧二、边听边说Listen and SpeakHe likes walking in the

    2012-01-19 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第102期:五味杂陈的"鸡蛋"

    一、边听边学Listen and Learnsunny-side up (煎蛋)仅煎一面的over easy 煎两面soft-boiled 半熟的hard-boiled 煮得老的poached egg 荷包蛋scrambled eggs 炒鸡蛋omelet 煎蛋卷二、边听边说Listen and Speak—How

    2012-01-18 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第101期:有加班费吗?

    一、边听边学Listen and Learnsedentary 久坐的,静坐的PR clerk 公关职员active job 能动的工作give full play to 充分发挥a handsome salary 可观的薪水get overtime pay 获得加班费二、边听边说Listen and Spea

    2012-01-14 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第100期:"脂肪"那些事儿

    一、边听边学Listen and Learnfat chance 希望渺茫big fat liar 巨骗chew the fat 聊天in fat city 过富裕的生活二、边听边说Listen and SpeakJane is pretty and popular. You will have a fat chance of getting

    2012-01-12 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第99期:管中窥"马"学表达

    一、边听边学Listen and Learnhold your horses 不要着急,耐心一点a horse of a different color 完全是另一回事look a gift horse in the mouth 对礼物吹毛求疵beat a dead horse 徒劳,白费口舌二、边听边说Lis

    2012-01-11 编辑:Canace

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