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  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第71期:终止关系;跌入谷底

    call it quits 终止关系You can call it quits if your lover mistreats you.情人没有善待你,可以甩了对方。The band decided to call it quits after the tour.这个乐队在此次巡游之后打算散伙。rock bottom 最低

    2011-09-11 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第70期:硬卖;很难做的选择

    hard sell hard 强行推销,硬卖;难以被人接受的东西 Joe is a master at hard sell .乔是个强行推销的高手。遇到这样的人其实挺烦的。For some pregnant women,the vaccine might be a hard sell.对于一些孕妇来说

    2011-09-07 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第69期:珠峰文化旅游节

    一、先声夺人Listening and thinking 8月26日,第九届珠峰文化旅游节在西藏日喀则地区隆重开幕。来自日喀则地区的各县市表演团体,向中外宾客展示了当地丰富的历史、民族、文化及旅游资源。 Nearly 3000 artists fr

    2011-09-03 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第68期:长城启动修缮工程

    一、先声夺人 Listening and thinking北京河防口段明长城修缮工程近日正式在怀柔区开工,修缮总长度达3553米,预计2012年竣工,这是北京市历史上最大规模的长城修缮工程。 The Great Wall, zigzagging its way to a

    2011-08-30 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第67期:各种各样的“笑”

    亲爱的朋友们大家好,欢迎来到可可茶话会,我是Canace。又是新的一天,准备好今天的学习了吗?今天我们要学习的是怎么样来表达笑。 听到幽默故事的时候,你会怎样呢?can't stop laughing笑得停不下来;laugh out

    2011-08-26 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第66期:与“手指”有关的短语

    have a finger in every pie 参与一切事情, 好管闲事;You want to have a finger in every pie, don't you?你什么事都要参上一脚吗?be all fingers and thumbs 笨手笨脚I'm all fingers and thumbs this morning.

    2011-08-23 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第65期:“吃豆腐”怎么说?

    come on to 轻薄某人,吃某人的豆腐He kept trying to come on to me all night, until finally I just had to leave.他整晚都想和我亲近,直到最后我不得不离开。take advantage of 占便宜,吃豆腐Men take advant

    2011-08-18 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第64期:开门见山

    The point is......事实上/重点是...That's not the point. 那不是重点。Your point is well taken. 你的意见我接受。I'm just pointing out a reality. 我只是指出事实而已。 What's your point? 你的想法是什么

    2011-08-14 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第63期:两面派;电灯泡

    two-faced 两面派 A two-faced person will say nice things about you to your face, and tell others nasty things about you when you're not around. 两面派的人当面说你好话,而背着你的时候就说你坏话。Two-

    2011-08-10 编辑:Canace

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