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  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第62期:与高铁有关的词汇

    高姐 high-speed train attendant 高铁 high-speed train乘务员 train attendant试运行 trial operation实名制购票 real-name purchasing system 豪华座 luxury train seats商务座 business class普通座 standard s

    2011-08-05 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第61期:告诉我你知道的

    Can you tell me what’s up?/Could you please tell me.你能告诉我发生了什么事吗?Tell me what you know.告诉我你知道的。Apenny for your thoughts.你在呆呆地想什么?I'll give a lot to know what exactly

    2011-08-02 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第60期:丑小鸭;书呆子

    ugly duckling 丑小鸭;小时曾被家人视为笨丑而长大后才貌出众的人或先遭鄙视后被重视的事物Elizabeth was an ugly duckling when she was a child, but now she is a beauty and becomes a famous film star. 伊丽

    2011-07-29 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第60期:丑小鸭;书呆子

    ugly duckling 丑小鸭;小时曾被家人视为笨丑而长大后才貌出众的人或先遭鄙视后被重视的事物Elizabeth was an ugly duckling when she was a child, but now she is a beauty and becomes a famous film star. 伊丽

    2011-07-29 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第59期:机不可失失不再来

    人生如宾士的列车,车窗外不断闪动著变幻不定的景色,错过观览窗外的美景、奇景并不是多麼不得了的事,关键是我们不能错过预定的到站。不要错失良机的三种表达:Don’t miss the boatopportunity knocks but onceIt

    2011-07-24 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第58期:“耳朵”能说话

    smile/grin from ear to ear 笑得合不拢嘴He smiled from ear to ear when he received this birthday gift.当他收到这生日礼物时笑得合不拢嘴。talk one's ear off 喋喋不休I’m sorry to talk your ear off, i

    2011-07-22 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第57期:我不留神忘了

    It slipped my mind.我不留神给忘了。a slip of the pen 笔误what is your name again?你叫什么名字来着?It will come to me.我会想起来的。◎点击播放器下方“进入MP3进入下载界面”可下载音频◎

    2011-07-18 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第56期:如何改变话题

    Oh,by the way By the way, could you do me a favor?Before I forget Before I forget, do you have plans for tomorrow night? That reminds meThat reminds me of my first dog. Speaking ofSpeaking of pets,

    2011-07-13 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第55期:我来买单

    I treat you. 我请客。pay/foot the bill 付账买单pick up the tab 付账,买单How much is the check? 多少钱?Let's split the check/it. 让我们平均分摊吧。◎点击播放器下方“进入MP3进入下载界面”可下载音频◎

    2011-07-10 编辑:Canace

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