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  • [自然百科] 自然百科:大迁徙之繁衍生息(10)

    And unleashes one of those feared migrations on earth. The army ants are on the move. The engine of this merciless hunger are brute of 200,000 larva and their care takers, demanding 30 thousand corps

    2011-12-01 编辑:mike

  • [自然百科] 自然百科:大迁徙之繁衍生息(9)

    In the war racked country of Sudan lies Boma national park. The largest intact savanna in East Africa. Mile upon mile of what it looks like pristine rudeness unfolds. But much of this is an empty par

    2011-11-30 编辑:mike

  • [自然百科] 自然百科:猫有九条命

    The cat's earliest ancestors probably hunted both on the ground and in the trees. To survive, they needed not only claws, but remarkable balance, an aptitude all cats retain to this day. In keepi

    2011-11-29 编辑:mike

  • [自然百科] 自然百科:大迁徙之繁衍生息(8)

    And it's saved them. Life on the move kept them step ahead of the guns and human hunger.[qh]它在拯救他们。迁徙中的生活必须让他们领先一步于枪口和人类的饥饿中。[qh]By November, the blinding equator

    2011-11-28 编辑:mike

  • [自然百科] 自然百科:猎豹与大羚羊的角力

    It's morning in the Kalahari, and this female cheetah has discovered that her cubs are growing ever more independent. She calls for them, but they've already gone out exploring. And they'

    2011-11-25 编辑:mike

  • [自然百科] 自然百科:大迁徙之繁衍生息(7)

    But they can't migrant to greener pastures until the last of the youngest has been winged. So Mother has become stingy and edgy. Waiting for the migration ahead, she tones oily secretions over ev

    2011-11-24 编辑:mike

  • [自然百科] 自然百科:河马也水疗

    How do you like a behind-the-scenes look at one of the nature's most luxurious full service, hippos' spas.[qh]你怎么能够错过这个大自然创造的最豪华的全套服务——河马的水疗呢?[qh]Our dominant

    2011-11-23 编辑:mike

  • [自然百科] 自然百科:大迁徙之繁衍生息(6)

    Blood runs freely from slashed noses and necks. They even fight dirty, going for the eyes. The loser's breathing chances for now are ground into the sand. But this beachmaster's triumph is ju

    2011-11-22 编辑:mike

  • [自然百科] 自然百科:大迁徙之繁衍生息(5)

    Parenting on the move is all about sacrifice.[qh]在迁徙中父母大多都牺牲了自己,保全了后代。[qh]And in the forests of northeastern Australia, another great journey spurred by parental dedication is ab

    2011-11-21 编辑:mike

  • [自然百科] 自然百科:大迁徙之繁衍生息(4)

    An egg tumbled from the nest is fair game for Johnny Rook. He'll soon have his own brood to look after.[qh]一枚蛋从窝里滚落,这对约翰鸦来说再公平不过。他很快就可以照看自己的幼鸟。[qh]On another s

    2011-11-18 编辑:mike

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