[服饰搭配] Lady Gaga绿毛手套抢镜 爱情得意事业下跌
雷人教母Lady Gaga 日前在她的推特上抱怨自己饱受感冒的折磨,为了御寒,Lady Gaga全副武装走上纽约街头。看来她有了这整套装备,就再也不怕寒冷了。2014-04-14 编辑:shaun
[科技资讯] 英设计师制造新型通话手套 售价1000英镑
英国一位艺术家设计了一款新型手套,用户戴上后可以通过手套随意接打电话,省去了来电时在包里翻找手机的麻烦,冬天还能为接电话的手保暖。2014-01-23 编辑:shaun
[美容时尚英语] 优质山羊绒手套 寒冷冬季送上温暖祝福(视频+文本)
无论是犒赏自己,还是送给爱人的温馨礼物,根据以下建议,挑选完美的开司米山羊绒手套都不再困难。2013-11-04 编辑:qihui
[开心一笑] 开心一笑:园艺手套Gardening Gloves
For months I hinted that I needed a new wedding ring, since I had developed an allergy to gold. On m2012-10-26 编辑:ivy
[最In导购口语] 最In导购口语 第91期:其他配饰 (2)
Conversation 2A: May I help you?B: I'm looking for some gloves.A: Over this counter, please. What kind would&nb2012-10-09 编辑:Jasmine
[最In导购口语] 最In导购口语 第88期:围巾手套
导购口语:Can I interest you in these smart silk scarves?我能向您介绍这些真丝围巾吗?Tremendous work and effort have gone into every one.&n2012-09-28 编辑:Jasmine
[精美英文欣赏] 精美英文欣赏:杰西的手套 Jessie's Glove
I do a lot of management training each year for the Circle K Corporation, a national chain of convenience stores. Among the topics we address in our seminars is the retention of quality employees—a2012-02-17 编辑:beck