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  • [英语口语1+1] 英语口语1+1:Great minds think alik

    英语口语1+1:Great minds think alike【1+1英文】Angela: "I was just thinking to call you, then the phone rang and it was you calling me." Andy: "Great minds think alike."【1+1中文】安吉拉:我正要打

    2006-05-08 编辑:admin

  • [英语口语1+1] 英语口语1+1:Word of mouth

    英语口语1+1:Word of mouth【1+1英文】Angela: "There has been talk at school about canceling the concert." Andy: "Really? Who did you hear that from?" Angela: "Just word of mouth.&quo..

    2006-05-08 编辑:admin

  • [英语口语1+1] 英语口语1+1:Cross your fingers

    英语口语1+1:Cross your fingers【1+1英文】Angela: "Good luck on your test tomorrow. We'll be crossing our fingers for you!"Andy: "Thanks."【1+1中文】安吉拉:明天考试,祝你好运!我们为你祈祷!安 迪

    2006-05-08 编辑:admin

  • [英语口语1+1] 英语口语1+1:The kitchen sink

    英语口语1+1:The kitchen sink【1+1英文】Angela: "Every time we go camping my wife packs everything but the kitchen sink."【1+1中文】安吉拉:每次我们去野营的时候,我妻子几乎想把所有的东西都搬着。【1+

    2006-05-08 编辑:admin

  • [英语口语1+1] 英语口语1+1:Under the gun

    英语口语1+1:Under the gun【1+1英文】Angela: "I feel I work harder when I am under pressure." Andy: "Me too. I get much more done when I am under the gun."【1+1中文】安吉拉:我觉得自己有压力的时候

    2006-05-08 编辑:admin

  • [英语口语1+1] 英语口语1+1:You can't judge a&

    英语口语1+1:You can't judge a book by its cover【1+1英文】Angela: "He dresses in plain clothes and drives an old car. Who would know he is the richest man in town?" Andy: "You can't..

    2006-05-08 编辑:admin

  • [英语口语1+1] 英语口语1+1:The bigger they are,&n

    英语口语1+1:The bigger they are, the harder they fall【1+1英文】Angela: "Those guys thought they would never lose. But we finally beat them. And look at them crying now." Andy: "The bigger th..

    2006-05-08 编辑:admin

  • [英语口语1+1] 英语口语1+1:A fool and his mo

    英语口语1+1:A fool and his money are easily parted【1+1英文】Angela: "How is it that you left home with 20 dollars but you come home with nothing? A fool and his money are easily parted!"【1+1中文】

    2006-05-08 编辑:admin

  • [英语口语1+1] 英语口语1+1:To wear her heart 

    英语口语1+1:To wear her heart on her sleeve【1+1英文】Angela: "She is kind of player who never hides how she's feeling. Once look at her and you know if she's winning or losing." Andy: &..

    2006-05-08 编辑:admin

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