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  • [英语口语1+1] 英语口语1+1:Cold turkey

    英语口语1+1:Cold turkey【1+1英文】Angela: "Did it take you a long time to quit smoking?" Andy: "No. I just went cold turkey, and I never smoked again."【1+1中文】安吉拉:你花了很长时间戒烟吗?安

    2006-05-08 编辑:admin

  • [英语口语1+1] 英语口语1+1:The ins and outs

    英语口语1+1:The ins and outs【1+1英文】Angela: "I hope you can help me. I want to learn the ins and outs."【1+1中文】安吉拉:希望你能够帮助我,我想了解一下细节情况。【1+1解析】When you add the s an

    2006-05-07 编辑:admin

  • [英语口语1+1] 英语口语1+1:Rock the boat

    英语口语1+1:Rock the boat【1+1英文】Angela: "Everyone wants to go except for you. Why do you have to rock the boat?"【1+1中文】安吉拉:每个人都想去,只有你例外,为什么一定要捣乱呢?【1+1解析】Peopl

    2006-05-07 编辑:admin

  • [英语口语1+1] 英语口语1+1:All in the same b

    英语口语1+1:All in the same boat【1+1英文】Angela: "I'm so busy. I don't know how will get this done." Andy: "You're not the only one with a lot to do. We are all in the same b..

    2006-05-07 编辑:admin

  • [英语口语1+1] 英语口语1+1:Against the grain

    英语口语1+1:Against the grain【1+1英文】Angela: "Why can't you just do it the way everyone else does? Why do you always have to go against the grain?"【1+1中文】安吉拉:为什么你不能按照别人的方式去

    2006-05-07 编辑:admin

  • [英语口语1+1] 英语口语1+1:Against the clock

    英语口语1+1:Against the clock【1+1英文】Angela: "Mom, will you have time to help me with my homework today?" Andy: "Sorry, I won't. I'll be working against the clock to finish my pr..

    2006-05-07 编辑:admin

  • [英语口语1+1] 英语口语1+1:The straw that broke&n

    英语口语1+1:The straw that broke the camel's back【1+1英文】Angela: "He came to work late every day that week. Then on Friday, he didn't show up at all." Andy: "That was the straw t..

    2006-05-07 编辑:admin

  • [英语口语1+1] 英语口语1+1:The early bird catches

    英语口语1+1:The early bird catches the worm【1+1英文】Angela: "My brother started investing money when he was 16 years old." Andy: "The early bird catches the worm."【1+1中文】安吉拉:我的哥哥16岁

    2006-05-07 编辑:admin

  • [英语口语1+1] 英语口语1+1:Better late than never

    英语口语1+1:Better late than never【1+1英文】Angela: "Sorry I was late for the meeting today. I got stuck in traffic." Andy: "That's okay. Better late than never."【1+1中文】安吉拉:对不起,今天

    2006-05-07 编辑:admin

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