[冰河世纪3] 影视精讲《冰河世纪3》第7期:拯救树懒
原文视听Go on. Shoo!快点 走开I knew that he got when he's a caterpillar,我认识这家伙的时候他还是个毛毛虫呢You know, before he came out.明白吗 在没蜕变之前So you're just living down h2012-06-05 编辑:finn
[冰河世纪2] 影视精讲《冰河世纪2》第18期:我被树懒绑架了
原文视听Crash, I told you not to drink before bed.跟你说睡前不要喝太多水I didn't do this. At least, not all of it.不是我 至少有些不是我尿的What's happening? We overslept. We need to2012-05-24 编辑:finn