[名校励志英语演讲] 名校励志英语演讲 第38期:如何解决这个世界上最严重的不平等
演讲原文For a few hours every week, you can use the growing power of the Internet to get informed, find others with the same interests, see the barriers, and find ways to cut through them.每个星期只用2012-08-15 编辑:melody
[名校励志英语演讲] 名校励志英语演讲 第37期:如何解决这个世界上最严重的不平等?
演讲原文Should the world's most privileged people learn about the lives of the world's least privileged?世界上那些过着最优越生活的人们,是否应该对那些最困难的人们的境况有所了解?These2012-08-14 编辑:melody
[名校励志英语演讲] 名校励志英语演讲 第36期:如何解决这个世界上最严重的不平等?
Members of the Harvard Family: Here in the Yard is one of the great collections of intellectual talent in the world.哈佛大家庭的成员们,这个院子里在场的人们,你们是全世界最有智力的人类群体之一。For w2012-08-13 编辑:melody
[名校励志英语演讲] 名校励志英语演讲 第35期:如何解决这个世界上最严重的不平等?
演讲原文Thirty years after Marshall made his address, which was thirty years ago, as my class graduated without me, technology was emerging that would make the world smaller, more open, more visible,2012-08-10 编辑:melody
[名校励志英语演讲] 名校励志英语演讲 第34期:如何解决这个世界上最严重的不平等?
演讲原文I love getting people excited about software—but why can't we generate even more excitement for saving lives?我喜欢人们因为软件而感到激动,那么我们为什么不能够让人们因为能够拯救生命而2012-08-09 编辑:melody
[影视动态] 莱昂纳多新作《了不起的盖茨比》推迟至2013暑期
《了不起的盖茨比》(The Great Gatsby)不再是2012奥斯卡的竞争者了。昨天,华纳兄弟电影公司宣布了这个令人震惊的消息:导演巴兹·鲁曼(Baz Luhrmann)备受期待的3D改编电影《了不起的盖茨比》不会在预定的12月22012-08-09 编辑:lily
[名校励志英语演讲] 名校励志英语演讲 第33期:如何解决这个世界上最严重的不平等?
演讲原文 The final step—after seeing the problem and finding an approach—is to measure the impact of your work and share your successes and failures so that others learn from your efforts.在发现问题2012-08-08 编辑:melody
[名校励志英语演讲] 名校励志英语演讲 第32期:如何解决这个世界上最严重的不平等?
演讲原文But complexity makes it hard to mark a path of action for everyone who cares—and makes it hard for their caring to matter.但是,世界的复杂性使得我们很难找到对全世界每一个有爱心的人都有效的行2012-08-07 编辑:melody
[名校励志英语演讲] 名校励志英语演讲 第31期:如何解决这个世界上最严重的不平等?
演讲原文 When an airplane crashes, officials immediately call a press conference. They promise to investigate, determine the cause, and prevent similar crashes in the future.当一架飞机坠毁了,官员们会2012-08-06 编辑:melody
[名校励志英语演讲] 名校励志英语演讲 第30期:如何解决这个世界上最严重的不平等?
演讲原文 If we can find approaches that meet the needs of the poor in ways that generate profits for business and votes for politicians, we will have found a sustainable way to reduce inequity in the2012-08-03 编辑:melody