[可可Radio] 可可Radio第439期:如何消除疲劳-奖励(1)
How to eliminate fatigue 如何消除疲劳2014-03-07 编辑:Ukki
[经济] 什么是铸造在伯克希尔县:发现就是用当地货币做奖励
Now trading in Ben Franklins for Norman Rockwells.Economics correspondent Paul Solman visits one New England county that prints its own money.2013-09-05 编辑:sophie
[商业] 什么是铸造在伯克希尔县:发现就是用当地货币做奖励
Now trading in Ben Franklins for Norman Rockwells.Economics correspondent Paul Solman visits one New England county that prints its own money.2013-09-05 编辑:sophie
[新闻热词] 迪拜减肥奖励黄金 想参加吗?
迪拜发起一项减肥运动,为期30天,期间每减掉1公斤赘肉,就奖励一克黄金,减掉2公斤起付,上不封顶。这一运动是阿联酋最近一次提倡健康生活方式的尝试。由于快餐和缺乏劳动和锻炼,海湾国家国民普遍体重超标。2013-07-19 编辑:kelly
[商务口语天天说] 商务英语天天说 第251天:怎样谈论员工奖励
我们公司的额外福利待遇包括奖金,医疗保险,津贴等等。现在很多人都认为奖金是薪水的一种形式。2013-05-24 编辑:Andersen
[科学美国人60秒心理系列] 科学美国人60秒:现金奖励更惹人不高兴
Consider the office birthday party and your slice of cake looks slightly smaller than some. Eh, probably no bi2012-10-30 编辑:melody
[健康幸福] 权衡利弊 小小奖励激励自己戒烟
How can I motivate myself to quit smoking?怎样激励自己戒烟呢?When someone says "I just lack the motivation to quit smoking, or to change anything in my life, lose weight, start an exercise prog2012-09-13 编辑:qihui
[快乐职场] 制定奖励机制 刺激员工工作激情
This film will give you examples of motivating your employees. If your workforce are lazy and lack that spark of energy let VideoJug tell you how to get them motivated. Motivate your employees instan2012-09-05 编辑:qihui
[他她话题] 各国家会给奥运冠军什么奖励?
Team GB athletes who win gold at this year's home Olympics will be immortalised in the national memory. But for competitors from some other nations, prestige isn't the only thing driv2012-08-15 编辑:justxrh