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[商务口语天天说] 商务口语天天说 第42天:怎样询价
星级典句:第一句:Many of customers are interested in your "Seagull" brand household scissors and we wish to have your Shanghai quotataions.我们的很多顾客对你们的海鸥牌家用剪刀感兴趣,我们现

时间:2012-07-12 编辑:rainbow

[旅游口语天天说] 旅游口语天天说 第41天:如何表示喜悦之情
星级典句:第一句:I had a nice day.我今天玩得很高兴。A: Thank you. I had a nice day.谢谢。我今天玩得很高兴。B: It's pleasure. It's my honor to be your tourist guide.别客气。当你的导游

时间:2012-07-11 编辑:rainbow

[商务口语天天说] 商务口语天天说 第41天:怎样询问最低价
星级典句:第一句:Expect your best price.盼望得到最低价。A: We get to know that you are specializing in walnut meat.我们得知你方专营核桃仁。B: Yes, we are the leading exporter.是的。我们是主要的出口商

时间:2012-07-11 编辑:rainbow

[旅游口语天天说] 旅游口语天天说 第40天:如何说明集合时间
星级典句:第一句:Please meet at 11:00 by the gate.请于11点在大门口集合。A:When and where should we meet?我们在什么时间、什么地点集合呢?B:Please meet at 11: 00 by the gate.请于11点在大门口集合。第二

时间:2012-07-10 编辑:rainbow

[商务口语天天说] 商务口语天天说 第40天:怎样改组
星级典句:第一句:He is our new partner.他是我们的新伙伴。A: Who is the man?那个男人是谁?B: That is Mr. R.T..那是R.T.先生。A: I haven't seen him before.我以前没有见过他。B: Yes. He is our ne

时间:2012-07-11 编辑:rainbow

[旅游口语天天说] 旅游口语天天说 第39天:如何征求大家意见
星级典句:第一句:Please read it to see if there is need of any change.请阅读一下看看是否有需要更改的地方。A: This is a tentative plan I've worked out. Please read it to see if there is a nee

时间:2012-07-09 编辑:rainbow

[商务口语天天说] 商务口语天天说 第39天:怎样告知公司的名字
星级典句:第一句:But the name of the company hasn't been changed.但是公司仍保留原名。A: I heard that your company has been dissolved.我听说你们公司解散了。B: Yes. But the name of the company

时间:2012-07-09 编辑:rainbow

[旅游口语天天说] 旅游口语天天说 第38天:如何说明所到之处
星级典句:第一句:Here we are at the entrance of the British Museum.现在我们来到大英博物馆的门口了。A: Here we are at the entrance of the British Museum.现在我们来到大英博物馆的门口了。B: It'

时间:2012-07-06 编辑:rainbow

[商务口语天天说] 商务口语天天说 第38天:怎么宣布解散公司
星级典句:第一句:After January 1st, our partnership will be dissolved.元月1日后,我公司解散。A: What's the meeting about?会议上说了什么?B: Bad news.坏消息。A: What happened?怎么了?B: After

时间:2012-07-06 编辑:rainbow
