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[旅游口语天天说] 旅游口语天天说 第37天:如何说明准备出发
星级典句:第一句:Are you ready to start?可以出发了吗?A: Are you ready to start?可以出发了吗?B: Yes, we are ready. Let's go!是的,准备好了,出发吧!C: By the way, when will we be back here?

时间:2012-07-05 编辑:rainbow

[商务口语天天说] 商务口语天天说 第37天:怎样保证热忱服务
星级典句:第一句:But the service will be continued.但是我们的服务不变。A: Have you received our circular?您收到我们的通知了吗?B: No. I haven't seen any letter from you.没有。我没看到任何发自

时间:2012-07-05 编辑:rainbow

[旅游口语天天说] 旅游口语天天说 第36天:如何确定行程
星级典句:第一句:According to our schedule, today we are going to visit the Tiger Beach Park and XingHai Square.根据我们的旅行安排,今天我们要去参观老虎滩公园和星海广场。A: What do we see on this to

时间:2012-07-04 编辑:rainbow

[商务口语天天说] 商务口语天天说 第36天:怎样通知改为股份有限公司
星级典句:第一句:We inform you that our business will be turned into a limited company on the 30th May.我们通知您自5月30日起我公司改组为股份有限公司。A: Hello, Mr. Green.您好,格林先生。B: Hello. Mr

时间:2012-07-04 编辑:rainbow

[旅游口语天天说] 旅游口语天天说 第35天:如何表达愿望
星级典句:第一句:Could you help me to take a picture of the hotel we stay in?能不能帮我拍一张我们住的旅馆的照片?A: Excuse me, could you help me to take a picture of the hotel we stay in?打扰一下,能

时间:2012-07-03 编辑:rainbow

[商务口语天天说] 商务口语天天说 第35天:怎样处理出差后事宜
星级典句:第一句:She always gets some presents for the other people in the office when she's back from a business trip.她每次出差回来都会给办公室的其他同事带一些礼物。A: I will go to Spain t

时间:2012-07-03 编辑:rainbow

[旅游口语天天说] 旅游口语天天说 第34天:如何谈论空闲的下午
星级典句:第一句:Could you give me any suggestions on where to spend the afternoon?你能不能给我一些建议,到哪儿度过这个下午?A: I'm free this afternoon. I'd like to visit the sights

时间:2012-07-02 编辑:rainbow

[商务口语天天说] 商务口语天天说 第34天:怎样指出出差的重要性
星级典句:第一句:On this trip I have to visit several important customers.我要拜访几个重要的顾客。A: Why did you decide the business trip in a hurry?为什么你这么匆忙地决定出差?B: On this trip I hav

时间:2012-07-02 编辑:rainbow

[旅游口语天天说] 旅游口语天天说 第33天:如何说明返程
星级典句第一句:I'm going back to China tomorrow.我明天回中国。A: Did you enjoy the trip?这趟旅行玩得愉快吗?B: I really enjoyed the trip. By the way, I'm going back to China tomorrow

时间:2012-06-29 编辑:rainbow
