[星座英语] 星星知我心:十二星座分手时会怎么说?
当一段感情走到尽头的时候,也许最终的结局就是分手。怎样提出分手,是个十分棘手的问题。各大星座的"筒子"们面对这种情况,会使出怎样的绝招呢?当12星座铁定了心想要分手的时候,TA第一句话会跟你说…… 白2011-09-01 编辑:Richard
[星座英语] 七夕节12星座各有各的肉麻"英语情话"
七夕节马上就到了,七夕节到来时,我们该对心爱的人说些什么呢?十二星座各有各的"七夕节情话" 水瓶座(1.21-2.19) You are the one I have been looking for。 你就是我一直在追寻的人。(好直白哦)2010-08-16 编辑:sunny
[星座英语] 最喜欢单身的星座大排行
We’re bombarded every day by magazines and websites advising us how to find our soul mate. But how honest are you being with yourself? Is a small or a huge part of you content being single? Not ever2010-08-11 编辑:sunny
[星座英语] 本周十二星座运程(07.19-07.25)(双语图文)
白羊座白羊座 3.21-4.19Throw yourself into your profession. You need to do more research before you make your final decision. You may find that purchases or entertainment could be expensive. Go out wi2010-07-20 编辑:francie
[星座英语] 经典:盘点十二星座的人性攻略
白羊座白羊座 21/03-20/04Adventurous, energetic, pioneering, courageous, enthusiastic, confident, dynamic and quick-witted.优点:喜欢冒险,精力旺盛,乐观进取有自信,热情有活力,勇于接受新观念,有明快的2010-04-23 编辑:vicki
[星座英语] 盘点十二星座喜欢的约会风格
ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)Rams are fiery, impulsive and active, so to please the Aries in your life, try taking them on a date that is adventurous and fast-paced —— or short and sweet. Sports g2010-03-19 编辑:vicki
[星座英语] 12星座本周运势汇总
白羊座 3.21-4.19 Your ability to work with detail will bring recognition. Don’t put your professional reputation on the line. Losses are likely if you get involved with uncertain individuals. You2010-03-03 编辑:vicki
[星座英语] 12星座工作优势大盘点
双子座GeminiGemini is the talker of the universe, effortlessly pouring out words on practically every subject under the sun. They have agile minds and quick tongues, turning linguistic somersaults wi2010-03-01 编辑:vicki
[星座英语] 12各星座需留意的身体部位
Aries: head, brain, eyes, bones of face 白羊座:头部、脑部、眼部、脸部骨骼 Taurus: neck, throat, larynx, chin, lower jaw, ears, tongue, vocal cords 金牛座:颈部、咽部、喉部、下巴、下颌、耳朵、舌头、声2010-02-22 编辑:vicki
[星座英语] 十二星座饮食习惯盘点
俗话说,“民以食为天”,饮食是我们生活中必不可少的组成部分,它也与黄道十二星座有着紧密的关系。且看一下最近各个星座都有着怎样的饮食习惯吧。 ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) Always on the go and ready2010-02-21 编辑:vicki