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  • [词汇辅导] 基础口译重点单词汇总(7)

    燃放鞭炮: burn fireworks农历正月初一: 1st day of the 1st lunar month农历十二月初八:(自己根据 ” 正月初一 ” 推推看。。。): 8th of the 12th lunar month腊八粥: laba porridge朝代: Dynasty商朝:

    2010-08-02 编辑:sunny

  • [词汇辅导] 口译胜经:中高级口译听力必背(8)

    巴以关系热门词汇 Fateh, Fatah巴勒斯坦民族解放运动(简称"法塔赫")funeral procession 送葬行列Gaza Strip 加沙地带Go-it-alone policy 单边行动计划gunfire 炮火Ha'aretz 以色列《国土报》Hamas 伊斯兰抵抗运

    2010-08-02 编辑:sunny

  • [翻译辅导] 口译资料:常用谚语(3)

    21.Death defies the doctor. 死亡蔑视医生。 22.There is no medicine against death. 人间哪有不死(回春)药。 23.Light come,light go. 易得则易失;来得容易去得快。 24.Sometimes gain is to lose. 有时得即是

    2010-07-30 编辑:sunny

  • [口试辅导] 中级口译口语开头常用句型模板(3)

    21) All that sth. has done for our society seems like a big step forward in the right/wrong direction, but it has also brought along with it a great worry /benefit to...(the average people.) (sth.: c

    2010-07-30 编辑:sunny

  • [听力辅导] 名师汇总:中级口译历年真题听力原文合集(1)

    中口0209听力原文 Part A: Spot DictationAs long as we are in a relationship, there is the potential for lasting happiness as well as for serious conflict. This applies at work, _________(1), and at ho

    2010-07-30 编辑:sunny

  • [口试辅导] 新东方中高级口译口语高频模板及范文(4)

    31) Sth. is often referred to as/defined as... (e.g. Corrupt officials are often referred to as the most dangerous borers in our government bodies, who are nibbling away the healthy organism of our p

    2010-07-30 编辑:sunny

  • [词汇辅导] 口译胜经:中高级口译听力必背(7)

    巴以关系热门词汇 assassination 暗杀body bomb 人体炸弹bodyguard 保镖Camp David 戴维营cease-fire 停火,停火协议charitable funds慈善基金checkered kaffiyeh 方格子头巾(戴着标志性的方格子头巾的阿拉法特是巴

    2010-07-30 编辑:sunny

  • [词汇辅导] 基础口译重点单词汇总(6)

    期刊: periodicals广播电台: radio station总部: head office分部: branch office海外华人: overseas Chinese华侨: foreign citizens of Chinese origin港澳台同胞: compatriots in the Hongkong Special Ad

    2010-07-29 编辑:sunny

  • [词汇辅导] 口译胜经:中高级口译听力必背(6)

    社会文化Advance guard: 先锋派Advertorial: 社论式广告 (杂志中心插页的正式广告文字)Advocacy journalism: 阐明观点的倾向性报道Affirmative action: 鼓励雇佣少数民族和妇女的赞助性行动Afflicted district: 受

    2010-07-29 编辑:sunny

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