Chapter 9
Social Affairs 英国社会
Religion 宗教
1. Everyone in Britain has the right to religious freedom with out interference from the community or the State. (He may believe in any church or none at all.) He may change his religion at will may manifest his faith in teaching, worship and observance. Except that the Lord Chancellor may be a Roman Catholic, public offices are open without distinction to members of all churches or none.
2. Established churches国教
There are two established church in Britain: in England the church of England and in Scotland the (Presbyterian) Church of Scotland.
3. Church of England is uniquely related to the Crown in that the Sovereign must be a member of that Church and as "Defender of the Faith". The Church is also linked with the State through the House of loads. The church of England is not free to change its form of worship, as laid down in the Book of Common Prayer without the consent of Parliament.
4. The government of the Church of Scotland is Presbyterian, that is, government by ministers and elders, all of whom are ordained to office. The Monarch is normally represented at the general assembly by the Lord High Commissioner.
5. Unestablished churches
There are include: the Anglican Churches(圣公会),the Free Churches(自由教会);(the largest of the Free Churches —the Methodist Church 最大的自由教会—卫
理公会),the Roman Catholic Church(罗马天主教)。
IV. Festival and Public Holidays
1.Christian festivals 基督教节日
The Christian festival of the year and Christmas, Easter, and Whit Sunday.
Christmas day, December 25th, celebrates the birth of Christ, and it is the greatest of Christian festivals. Easter celebrates the Resurrection (复活) of Christ. Easter is traditionally associated with the eating Easter eggs.Whit Sunday (圣灵节) celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit to Christ's apostles seven days after his death, and it is on the seventh Sunday after Easter.
2.Other festivals 其他节日
Britain’s other festivals include New Year's Day, Gy Fawkes Day (篝火节), April Fools Day(愚人节), Mother's Day and the Remembrance Day (Armistice Day)