1.allure: (动)引诱 attract very strongly; tempt; charm; fascinate
The beautiful beaches of Hawaii allured many tourists from the mainland of the United States.
2.anew: (副)重新;再来 once more; in a new or different way; again
He made so many mistakes that he had to begin his work anew.
3.banquet: (名)宴会 a formal dinner in honor of a special occasion; feast
A banquet was given to honor the retired president.
4.crouch: (动)蹲伏 lower the body close to the ground by bending the knees and the back; squat
The cat saw the bird and crouched down ready to jump.
5.flank: (名)侧翼 the right or left side of anything; side
The enemy may attack us on the left flank.
6.indignant: (形)愤慨的 angry at something unjust or unfair; wrathful
I was very indignant at the man, for he had treated me so badly.
7.meadow: (名)草地 a piece of grassy land; grassland; pasture
They raise many cows and sheep in the meadow.
8.mobile: moving; able to be moved; easy to move; movable
Many workmen aren’t mobile; if they move to new employment they have difficulties to moving their families.
9.reverse: (1)(形)颠倒的.turned backward; opposite in position or direction; contrary
Would you play the reverse side of that photograph record, please?
(2)(动)颠倒.turn the other way; turn inside out or upside down
Reverse your sweater or you will put it on wrong side out.
10.roam: (动)漫游;闲逛go about with no special plan; wander
The lovers roamed around the fields in complete forgetfulness of the time.
11.withstand: (动)抵抗;耐stand against; endure; oppose; resist
Children’s furniture must withstand kicks and blows.
12.console:(动)安慰;抚慰 to give comfort or sympathy to somebody who is unhappy or disappointed
Console yourself with the though that you did your best.
13.impetuous:(形)鲁莽的;冲动的 acting or done quickly and without thinking carefully about the results
She is an impetuous girl.