inspired adj. 有灵感的;官方授意的 (adjective): influenced or encouraged
- She felt inspired to seek professional help in raising her kids.
证书;文凭;信任状 (noun): someone`s ability to do something based on education or experience
- We're looking for a family therapist with good credentials and can relate well to our kids.
rear vt. 培养;树立;栽种 (verb): bring up, raise
- It isn't easy to rear children in today's society.
dull adj. 钝的;迟钝的;无趣的;呆滞的;阴暗的 (adjective): uninteresting
- Life can be really dull if families don't do fun things together.
depressed adj. 沮丧的;萧条的;压低的 (adjective): low in spirits, down
- People often feel depressed with nothing seems to be going right in their relationships with a spouse or a child.
cope with 处理,应付 (verb): manage, deal with
- Sometimes, I have a hard time coping with the stresses of rearing children, and I don't know if I'm helping them to succeed emotionally and spiritually.
contemplate vt. 沉思;注视;思忖;预期 (verb): consider carefully
- When I contemplate on the many challenges I have had in life so far, I would have to say that learning to listen without making judgements is one of the hardest skills to learn.
peers n. 平辈,同事(peer的复数) (noun): people of about the same age
- Teenagers are often influenced by their peers, either in a positive or negative way.
implement vt. 实施,执行;实现,使生效 (verb): put into practice or use
- We have learned a lot of new parenting skills that we want to implement in our family.
latitude n. 纬度;界限;活动范围 (noun): a certain range of freedom to say and do things
- We allow our children a certain amount of latitude when it comes to their curfews. If they follow all the family rules and show a great deal of responsibility, then we sometimes let them stay out longer on the weekends.
lavish vt. 浪费;慷慨给予;滥用 (verb): give a lot, or too much, of something
- Instead of lavishing our kids with gifts for Christmas, we ought to teach them to serve others who are in need.
missteps n. 失足;过失;踏错;失策 (noun): mistakes
- A misstep in correcting our children without compassion and understanding can create a problem in our relationship.