109.It's Called Manipulation
"Marcy. Why do you have such an easy time with men?" Wendy asked.
None of the men I date ever have a long shelf life!"
"It's because you have a problem doing the things your boyfriends like!" Marcy replied.
"I mean, remember one guy you dated? He just wanted to go to a drive-in movie! You wouldn't do it!
"我是说, 记得你约会过的一个小伙子吗?他就想去看一场‘免下车'电影,而你却死活不想去!
He had a heart of gold and you let him get away!

And then there was that guy who had a job getting a chance to be with you, but you didn't want to visit the best parks with him because you didn't like going for walks! No wonder they leave!"
"Oh, my God! I guess I have a short memory. You're right.
I do have a way with making them leave me because I have enough of my own hang-ups! I have got to change!" Wendy replied.
我真的有把他们赶跑的本事, 因为我的这些烦恼让我自己也受够了!我得改一改啦!"温迪答道。
"Yes. You have had better men than I have.
But I keep the okay ones because I know they know that I have an impact on their lives. I make them better!"
可我把那些不错的人留下了, 因为我知道他们明白我对他们的生活产生了影响。我使他们变得更加优秀!"
"Wow! I have such a hard time doing that!
I think men should have a strong arm for me, not the other way around!"
"And they should." Wendy agreed. "But you need to let them be that way!
Men need to be shown how to be better without them knowing that you are the one showing them!"
"So I should just have done with telling them what to do, but make subtle hints ...?"
"Sure. Find a way for them to have access to what you think without you telling them directly.
You know, say it in a roundabout way.
And if they don't get it, well, you know how to tell a man that you have another commitment!
Then try again on the next one!"